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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Making Driving a Safer Experience

Name: Leah A Harper
From: Newdale, ID
Votes: 0

Making Driving a Safer Experience

When my mom was a teenager, her cousin died in a car accident. She was a very responsible driver. The accident was not her fault. My mom’s cousin was hit by a thirteen year old girl. The girl had stolen her parents’ car and was driving at speeds far higher than the speed limit. The girl didn’t know how to drive, and as a result, didn’t have adequate control over the vehicle. The young teenage girl ran a stop sign and hit my mom’s cousin, who was killed in the accident. The girl lived, but she had to live with the consequences of her actions.

This tragic accident could have been prevented. The girl shouldn’t have been driving the car in the first place, especially because she didn’t know how to operate it. Had she been taught how to drive and practiced safe habits, the accident never would have happened.

Driver education is critical in reducing the number of deaths from motor accidents. Teaching teenagers how to properly and safely drive can go a long way in preventing and reducing accidents.

I remember when I first learned to drive. I was very nervous. However, I had amazing driver’s ed instructors. They taught me good habits. I would sit through the early morning class and realize just how important it was that I was there. We would discuss traffic laws, good driving habits, and many other things. Then I would drive with my instructor carefully coaching me on how to safely operate the vehicle. Taking driver’s ed taught me how to be a safe driver.

Many things can cause accidents, some of which are out of the control of a driver. However, there are many good habits that drivers can establish to prevent accidents. Some accidents will still happen, regardless of how good a driver is, but practicing good habits helps decrease the chance of an accident.

One of the most important habits to practice is refraining from using phones while driving. Phone use while driving has become a major problem. Our lives have become so busy and we often have legitimate reasons to check our phones. However, drivers should try their best not to look at their phone while driving. When someone is on their phone while driving, they are not completely focused on the road. They are looking back and forth, and not fully paying attention. An accident can happen in a matter of seconds. Looking down for even a moment can cause a driver to miss something important. Think about how quickly someone could slam on their brakes or how quickly an animal could run out onto the road. If a driver is not completely focused and aware of their surroundings, it is very easy to miss a small change that could lead to a big accident. I have found that it is best to put my phone out of reach and out of sight when I am driving. Drivers should try to lessen the distraction by limiting phone use as much as possible.

Obeying the speed limit is also a critical aspect of safe driving. When drivers don’t obey the speed limit they put themselves at risk. Speed limits exist for a reason. They are especially important during bad weather or when driving in highly populated areas. Speed limits aren’t just a friendly suggestion that is meant to be ignored. They help prevent accidents. When driving, it is easy to speed up unintentionally. Sometimes it just feels like the speed limit is too slow. When people are in a rush to get somewhere, they often speed. However, which is more important? Arriving somewhere on time, or perhaps saving a life? Many crashes can be prevented by obeying the speed limit.

Another traffic law that is frequently broken is obeying stop signs. Many people treat stop signs as yield signs or ignore them completely. It is important to come to a complete stop at stop signs because intersections are dangerous. When a person fails to stop at a stop sign, they put themselves at a high risk of colliding with another vehicle. Even if no other vehicles are present, it is still important to develop the good habit of stopping at stop signs.

These good habits and many more are important to follow while driving. They help prevent crashes. As I drive, I do my best to follow all traffic laws. I know that if I do I will be a safer driver. I understand that I may still be in an accident due to road conditions or the choices of someone else, but at least I am doing my part to make driving safer for others around me. While not all accidents can be prevented, practicing good driving habits helps”Life… is a tale/ Told by an idiot, fully of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing”. make driving a safer experience for everyone.