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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driver Safety

Name: Gary Zlobinskiy
From: Hoboken, NJ
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Safety

In the United States, motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 37,000 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes just in the year 2017. That’s an average of more than 100 deaths every single day. That’s a lot of preventable deaths! One way to help reduce these large numbers is through extensive driver education. A study by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that teens who participated in formal driver training were 58 percent less likely to get into a crash during their first year of driving compared to those who did not participate in any type of driver education program.

Driver education teaches essential skills such as proper turning techniques, parallel parking, and freeway merging – all things that can help make you a safer driver. However, while driver education may play a role in reducing accidents and fatalities, it is not the only solution. There are other steps you can take to stay safe on the roadways as well. First and foremost, make sure you are always wearing your seatbelt as it could save your life or someone else’s if you are involved in an accident. Secondly, follow posted speed limits and drive at a safe speed for the given conditions; speeding is one of the leading causes of car accidents nationwide. Thirdly, avoid distractions while driving (like using your cell phone); distracted driving is also one of the top contributors to fatal car wrecks yearly nationwide. Fourth, keep your car well-maintained with regular oil changes and tire rotations. If your car starts shaking or perhaps shows some other unusual behavior, take it in for repair immediately. Fifth, if you plan on drinking alcohol, limit yourself to one drink or less per hour. Also, be on the lookout for other vehicles changing lanes without signaling as well as pedestrians crossing the street. This will allow you to avoid potential collisions before they happen.

Next, never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol – alcohol impairs judgment and reaction time behind the wheel which puts yourself and others at risk for serious injury or death if you get behind the wheel after consuming alcoholic beverages. Lastly, if something doesn‘t feel right about the way another driver is behaving on the road, do not hesitate to call 911 and report unsafe behavior before it results in an accident. Taking just these few simple measures can dramatically decrease your chances of being involved in a fatal crash. Another way to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities related to driving is by increasing awareness about road safety among all users – drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike. This can be done through public campaigns as well as educational initiatives in schools and universities. A lot more people would be inclined to take more safety measures on the road if they realized just how many people die from irresponsible driving every single day.

Finally, improvements to infrastructure (such as better signage) can also help to create a safer environment for all road users. By taking these measures together, we can significantly reduce the carnage on our roads. Additionally, stricter enforcement of existing traffic laws must be implemented so that dangerous behaviors such as speeding and drunk driving are effectively deterred. Stricter laws could discourage irresponsible behavior behind the wheel and make the roads safer for everyone involved such as motorists, passengers, and pedestrians. Disciplinary action penalty-wise, license suspensions or revocations, and more frequent drug & alcohol testing aside from ticketing systems like red light cameras could be some solutions. There are many different ways authorities currently penalize bad drivers, but of these tactics, none seem to be working as efficiently as they should be.

I’ve personally had some experience with car accidents and irresponsible driving behavior from friends and family members. In my opinion, one of the best things you can do as a driver is always stay focused on the task at hand – don’t let yourself get distracted by anything else going on inside or outside your vehicle (no texting while driving!). You should also make sure you’re well-rested before getting behind the wheel – fatigue can impair your judgment and reaction time just as much as alcohol or drugs can. And finally, don’t hesitate to speak up if you see someone else driving dangerously – maybe they’re not even aware that they’re putting themselves and others at risk! Let‘s do our part to make our roads safer for everyone!