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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Drive like your trying to save lives not end them

Name: Amaya Ramirez
From: Victorville, CA
Votes: 0

Drive like your trying to save lives not end them

    Driving is one of the biggest responsibilities someone will have. You are not just in charge of your life, you’re in charge of your passengers and other people on the road. The leading cause of road collisions are easily preventable mistakes. As a recently new driver I understand the responsibility and the anxiety that comes with driving. Following the rules of the road is essential to protecting you, your passengers ,and other drivers. It doesn’t matter how old you are or comfortably you must obey all laws to create a safe road for everyone.

    The leading cause of car crashes is distracted driving, speeding and drunk driving. These are all because drivers don’t follow the rules of the road. In total there were over 38,000 fatalities caused by car collisions, almost all could be prevented. In our modern age a new problem is technology or phones mainly. Phones seem to be the main cause of distractions on the road. It estimated that 1.6 million car crashes are caused by cell phone distraction. This is easily preventable now phones have driving settings and newer cars are able to send and answer calls without distracting the drivers. Another important rule to follow is the speed limit. Going over the speed limit is reckless and irresponsible . If you are caught going over 100 mph then you can even face jail time. Getting to a destination a little faster isn’t worth your life or others around you. Finally and in my opinion the most important rule is don’t drink and drive. This is the most reckless and irresponsible thing you can do as a driver.  You can be charged with manslaughter if you kill someone while drinking and driving. Drinking and driving can impair your judgment. Driving requires you to be aware but when you drink that awareness is gone. 

    I recently got my license and as a new driver I am constantly on edge. It took me two years to get my license. I had the worst anxiety when I began  to drive . I wasn’t scared of my skills, I was scared of other people. People become too comfortable with driving and forget they are not the only ones on the road.Being scared can be dangerous. Before driving you have to make sure you are confident that you will make mistakes. Driving to me was a huge responsibility that I take very seriously. Driving is the beginning of you becoming a functional adult. Driving isn’t just  to drive your friends around and go to parties, it is  your life and others around you. I believe I jumped into driving when I wasn’t ready for that responsibility. Before you start driving make sure you are completely ready to have that pressure on your shoulders. Driving is not something to take lightly, it is something you must be ready for. Lives are on the line when you are driving so you must be ready to have that weight on your shoulders. You must be prepared to make quick and safe decisions to ensure safety of you and people around you.

    People start to develop bad habits when they begin to drive for longer times. Becoming comfortable with driving is important, but beginning to be carless is not. It seems people believe that rules don’t apply to them once they have their license for a while. It doesn’t matter if you had your license for 20 years or 1 year, you should always follow the rules. I have experienced people who believe the adobe the law first hand. On my driving test a woman wanted me to speed up in the school zone and she went on the opposite road to pass me. Things like this could cause a collision and possibly fatalities. You want to drive confidently but not like you’re the only person on the road. When you become too comfortable you become less aware. Driving can bring unexpected situations you must be ready for. You can only control what you do on the road, not others so you must be ready at all times. 

Driving is a milestone in people’s lives. Driving is dangerous when you don’t follow the rules. I have learned this quickly as a new driver. Even as I become more comfortable I don’t let my guard down and keep a sharp eye on the other drivers around me. Driving has its benefits and can be fun but it’s the biggest reason in most people’s lives.