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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Drive Responsibly – It Saves Lives

Name: Connor Thomas
From: Webster, NY
Votes: 0

Drive Responsibly – It Saves Lives

Technology has its benefits; however, it has its drawbacks, as well. With social media, many people have become addicted to their phones. This is a problem because even when it comes to driving, drivers believe they can multitask: focusing on the road, while at the same time also focusing on their phones. Drivers don’t realize that their phone becomes a distraction which prevents them from truly focusing on driving safely and responsibly while being behind the wheel. In this way, distracted drivers put themselves and everyone around them in potential danger while driving irresponsibly.

One way to address the issue of distracted driving is through driver education. Educating drivers could vastly reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by distracted and irresponsible driving. If drivers were educated properly, they would see the dangers in multitasking while driving. Currently, motorists don’t realize the risks and therefore don’t think about the potential consequences of their behavior. “It’ll never happen to me” they might say. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. It just takes one time. People could be seriously injured, or worse, killed, if someone makes a bad decision regarding their driving. What if it was your own child or family member that was injured or killed because someone was texting or distracted by their phone while driving? Educating drivers properly would help them to see the dangers of driving: texting while driving, drunk driving, speeding, among many other factors. If drivers understood that these were real risks and dangers, they might spend more time taking precautions and behaving responsibly while driving, not put themselves or others at risk in these situations, and possibly even spreading awareness of the dangers of distracted driving.

Spreading awareness contributes significantly towards reducing the number of deaths regarding driving. Drivers need to know what can happen if they’re irresponsible with their decisions. Insurance agencies should require a class for their drivers. Many do and offer incentives for doing so. I think these lessons should be more direct. When I started driving, I had to take one of these classes. Parents don’t want to see their kids hurt and hitting that emotional spot I think would help drivers to practice safe driving. Fear of what would happen to their family if something happened to them would help encourage drivers to take the right precautions. The goal isn’t to make people scared of driving, but by fluffing up these lessons with general knowledge doesn’t help to get the point across. Once the point is across, people would be more likely to practice these precautions and less likely to be involved in engaging in dangerous behavior or putting themselves and others in dangerous situations.

I have been in the car while people have been texting and driving. There was one person who swerved because they were on their phone. This was an immediate red flag and made me realize I couldn’t be in the car with this person. I’ve heard too many stories of people in accidents, or in cars with others and being afraid for their lives. These stories are alarming and make me thankful that I haven’t been in a position where I’ve almost lost my life because of irresponsible driving. It’s a shame that others have had to deal with this when the fix seems to be so easy: make common sense decisions.

Personally, I can give other cars on the road more room. This could include when driving behind them, or at a stop light. I could also preset my music before I start driving so that I’m not looking at the infotainment screen when I want to change a song. Lastly, I could allow myself more time to get to my destination. It’s not worth it to get there a few seconds earlier, and risk getting a ticket; or worse cause an accident. To help others, I can continue to spread awareness. I can express to others the dangers of irresponsible driving. This would help to emphasize not to partake in these actions. By explaining the possible consequences, it might help them to see that irresponsible driving is not worth it in the long run.

By paying attention to the road, and making smart decisions, one has a much higher chance of completing their drive successfully. By truly focusing on the road, and not letting outside distractions divert your attention, one can be attentive solely on what they set out to do: go from point A to point B. Don’t be reckless, and everyone can get home safely at the end of the day.