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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – My Experience as a Beginner Driver

Name: Adrianna Plowden
From: Lake City, South Carolina
Votes: 0

My Experience as a Beginner Driver

From my experience in driving even if I may not yet be a professional, I still try to take precaution even if I may be in a situation where I could panic or have road rage at little things I may face on the road. To be on the road and practicing in general can be a little scary even for some beginner drivers such as myself. My peers may not take into consideration that they are not fully prepared for drinking or multitasking in the driver’s seat, especially with the other nerves that come behind the wheel they control. Mastering driving is your parents’ trust to give you freedom. If you betray that trust, then you’re allowing yourself to be seen as irresponsible and immature by the people around you as well as your actions on the road.

Driving can become a hobby in the teenage brain or even the young adult brain when they let go of the very reason they began to drive or the practice they put into it. I realize it’s probably easy to get your license, but it’s not easy to make risky decisions while driving. My mom told me, “You are one with the car,” which tells me that treating the car as another soul of you can help you to easily get used to the concept of driving. The mind also plays a huge role in controlling the car. You are to be wary of your surroundings and to also respect the environment as well. The more you lack safety in driving, the more you endanger yourself and others in the car.

Life and driving are fairly similar, though they are technically in the same reign. They are both teaching us a new way of growth. They both connect a common factor, experience. In life, experience means you can use wisdom from the older times to make better for the new. I use critical thinking such as keeping others in mind of the car I am driving. When driving, I try my best to know that I am responsible for the people riding in the car as well as myself and the condition of the car. In life, you are in control of yourself only, not others, but with a car and life you are the creator of your own destiny as well as path. Yes, both can be a little challenging, but once you get the hang of new things, you can easily overcome them and use them as a lesson. As a teenager, these things take value into me as I can contribute to them as an adult.

People tend to think once they get their license they are automatically proclaimed a professional, which is a total false narrative to me. The main drivers who get in accidents are teenagers with ages ranging from about 16 and up. There is a reason for permit and license restrictions in this very situation. Yes, you are an official driver, but an expert or experienced driver? Maybe not. The excitement of getting a license should not push safety to the side or make you think you’re above others. Having something that most people could want is a blessing and you should make it a priority. For most people, driving takes time. It could be years, months or even days before you can understand the concept. Even if it takes your whole life to realize driving is a responsibility, then waiting and practicing habits of safety and precaution is the best way to go in earning your license. Knowing you are ready and not a harm to yourself or others on the road.

These experiences in my life with elders, my peers and even my own can help me to get out my nerves of feeling insecure about my driving. This is a process in which I am growing out of that mindset of fear that I first had as a driver. I want to set an example for the people around me as well as show them I am capable enough. My parents take independence as a key factor to letting me see the world. They often fear my confidence level and with driving, as long as I know the basics, they won’t have to worry about me on the road to adulthood. Everyday is a learning experience for me as a new driver and I am slowly beginning to see my progress. As the oldest sibling, I take this for good advantage.