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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Education Essay

Name: Axel Botello
From: Pasadena, TX
Votes: 0

Driver Education Essay

Every day someone gets in a car accident for reckless driving, causing harm to them self’s and others, sometimes even causing death to does around them all for reckless driving. reckless driving accidents can occur most of the time by people that are in a hurry or are unexperienced in driving properly sometimes even being under substances but most of the time it is that they are more interested in how fast they can get to their destination than getting there safely. Much of the time younger unexperienced people are likely to be the leading cause of reckless driving, who are unexperienced and speed while driving.

Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are checking that you and your passengers are safety buckle up before driving off on the road this helps you and your passengers being secured if an accident happens on the road , another major step to take to reduce the number of deaths is driving with percussion what I mean if you have somewhere to be at a certain time you should be there at least 30 minutes before that specific time that way you’re not overthinking not being on time by speeding to get there in time because speeding isn’t worth risking your life and safety of others but the most major step to take to prevent deaths while driving and it’s the most important one is to not multitask while driving if you believe that you have an emergency and you have to text or call someone while driving, it’s very important to wait and analyze the situation by, getting off the road or stopping in the emergency lane by bringing your car to a full and safe stop to text or call, it’s very important to not multitask because many people get killed by people being on their phone while driving.

I know this from experience from my friends and family members driving irresponsibly that have told me how they or the person causing the accident being on the receiving or rear end of the accident all because they wanted to be on their phone while driving. But the major accident that I have experience was when my dad was involved in multiple car accidents all for being under the influence of alcohol, seeing my dad involved in so many accidents without damaging anyone in the prosses really inspired him to change how he drive by giving up drinking for good and going to alcoholic anonymous classes to changing himself ,to today he hasn’t touched a single drop of alcohol at all being a new man, now I can’t say how it truly feels in being in a car accident since I never been in one myself, but it must feel so horrible and terrifying being in an accident the panic and anxiety that people go through when they experience something so intense like a car accident that is why.

I recommend steps not just to the readers but to myself and the people has well rules that need to be follow that I take to consideration to being a better and safer driver as well as helping others become safer on the road some of the rules that I follow and will follow is Think safety first being aware of your surroundings when driving and paying attention in the road instead of distractions like phones and noisy passenger’s another major step that I follow. He’s not depending on other drivers when driving what I mean about this is that most of the time the person driving in front of you doesn’t have a clue about traffic laws and the rules, like Following the 3 to 4 second rule, keeping your speed and distance down and away from other drivers, it’s all so important to have in mind an escape route when dealing with falling objects from vehicles in front of you or accidents also , Separating risks that means dealing with one task at a time analyzing with the situation calmly lasty the most important rule is lane changing when driving in the freeway, I all ways try to avoid the fast lane when driving in the freeway why because that lane his for people who are in a hurry not for people who drive normally sometimes it’s necessary to lane change by checking your blind spots by looking over your shoulder before changing lanes. I always use turn signals when changing lanes on the freeway and on the road. While merging with traffic matching my speed with the traffic as much as possible without exceeding the speed limit by following the rules properly. I follow all these rules to the bone to not prevent a car accident, being the rules that need to be followed when on the road.