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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Education Initiative

Name: Shayla Dang
From: Henderson, Nevada
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative

Seatbelts on. Check mirrors. Turn on the ignition. Every time you get behind the wheel, you hold many lives in your hands, including your own. Text. Fatigue. Anger. All that you possess can mean the life or death of another. Many excited teenagers fail to realize the huge responsibility they carry as a new driver. That is why many states instill driver’s education as a requirement before teens can get their license.

Driver’s education educates on a multitude of topics related to driving: rules of the road, sharing the road, defensive driving, how to buy a car, how to choose insurance, and more. Many teens have this preconceived notion that driver’s education is just common sense from what they know observing their parents driving. However, this is not at all the case. When I took driver’s education, I didn’t know the individual parts of the car or when to change my tires. Driver’s education taught me every in and out of a car. Because it is so in depth, driver’s education ensures that people know every minor detail that could prevent accidents from happening. I remember especially the learning module of defensive driving was super important. In that module, it taught me to always think multiple seconds ahead on the road. To drive defensively, I need to scan the road at all times, watch out for pedestrians, look for angry drivers and avoid them. This is so critical for drivers to learn. Driving defensively will keep drivers attentive and prepared which will prevent deaths caused by car accidents.

Everyday, about 3,700 people are killed globally in motor accidents. The first step to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is driver’s education. Educating the public on how to avoid accidents and drive safely will be the best way to prevent car accidents. By requiring new drivers to take the course, new drivers will be aware of every danger to driving and will be able to act proactively before a crash can ignite. A doctor needs an education in medicine before practicing as a doctor. The same thing goes for driving. A driver needs an education in driving before practicing as a driver. You wouldn’t want an uneducated doctor diagnosing you and potentially risking your life. You sure wouldn’t want an uneducated teen driver out driving and risking your life either. Driver’s education will ensure the safety of the road for everyone.

As much as driver’s education will educate the public on how to be safe behind the wheel, it is not effective unless we act upon what is learned. This is the next step towards reducing car accident deaths. Our own choices in the car are what we need to change. First is eliminating distractions. The number one cause of car crashes is distractions. Especially for new drivers, a few seconds spent on a text, changing the radio, turning to a friend, sipping water, or fixing the air conditioning can cause the car to veer off and crash. Before moving the car, we need to make sure everything is set properly. The AC is good, so it won’t need to be changed. The radio is off. The phone is put somewhere, so there is no temptation. Thankfully, some phones like Apple iPhones have a system where they automatically put phones on “Do Not Disturb” when driving. People should act this way, as well. When driving, everyone should automatically put themselves on “Do Not Disturb” to silent distractions that will cause a fatal crash. If you really need to take your eyes off the road to pay attention to something else, you should pull over and stop the car. This way, the distraction won’t be occurring while moving in the lanes. By choosing the responsibility of eliminating distractions, the number one cause of accidents will be reduced.

Of course, there are other factors other than our own personal choices that cause motor crashes. Extreme weather like snow, heavy rain, fog, and more can cause road accidents. News and other local broadcasts should explicitly warn of any harmful driving conditions due to weather. With the public warned and informed, people will be more cautious on the road, so there won’t be a slip due to weather. Additionally, fixing road infrastructure can prevent accidents. Roads need to be maintained because potholes and others can harm vehicles. A pothole can puncture car tires and cause a crash. Maintaining a safe road ensures a smooth travel for cars. Not only do roads have to be maintained, but cars also have to be. Abrupt car breakdowns can result in other vehicles crashing into the brokedown car without warning. Checking smog, tires, oil, brakes, and engine routinely will secure a fully-functioning vehicle on the road. It will prevent scary mishaps like skidding, brakes failing, and more. Moreover, roads should be lit well by light fixtures. Many car crashes happen at night due to reduced visibility. By constructing multiple lights near roads, the visibility will be heightened, hopefully preventing accidents from a dark road. The city and its people need to uphold their own responsibility to keep a safe community with reduced vehicle accidents.

Fortunately, I have never been in a car accident. With my driver’s education knowledge, I hopefully will never get into a car accident because I know how to drive defensively to prevent an accident. There are irresponsible drivers everywhere, especially in Vegas along the freeways where some go 100 mph. Knowing to spot these risky drivers and avoiding them, which driver’s education taught me, will prevent accidents, too. Ultimately, the power we hold when driving is what will reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving. Possessing responsible and safe power at all times behind the wheel will save lives. As you put your seatbelt on, check your mirror, and start the engine, remember all the lives that you are liable for and drive well aware of that huge responsibility.