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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Daphne Hartman
From: Seibert, Colorado
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

There are many reasons why it takes so long to get your license and be able to drive. Not only do you have to be old enough, but you must go through all the requirements to earn your license. It is particularly important for you to understand the dangers on the road, and how you can prevent them. This way you can save yourself from danger, as well as another driver. It takes time to understand the road, but not everyone will obey the laws and that’s how accidents happen.

Before receiving your license, you must go through Driver’s Ed and drive a year with a permit. Driver’s Ed is used to educate teenagers about how to drive responsibly. Also, it teaches the basics of being on the road, and what you can expect to happen in certain conditions. It will teach you how to drive in different weather like rain, sun, or snow. As well as, in different climates like the tropical, dry, wet, or cold areas. Not only will it tell you how to drive, but it will explain the various parts of your car, and where to find certain things. This includes the different lights in your vehicle and what some of the buttons do. As a result of knowing how to be responsible on the road, you can keep yourself and others safe.

To keep these steps in mind, you can put them into practice when driving. Instead of being a careless driver, you can be appropriate and stop at stop signs, and slow down on yellow lights. Although these are some effortless ways to stay safe on the road, they can have a substantial influence on others. Many accidents I know of are from careless driving and not stopping when you are told to. However, I do understand that when an animal jumps out at you while driving you cannot always see them fast enough to press your brake. By disobeying these signs, many negative experiences can occur.

I have not personally experienced a car crash; however, my mother has. It happened a while ago, yet she still suffers from problems. As she ages, her body wants to get weaker, too. So, it does not help when you are physically injured from a crash that will still affect you so much later. Before, I explained that I had not experienced a car crash, however that is not the direct truth anymore. Halfway through drafting this paper I was driving one night going home from school when I was passing a car going the other way. The night was dark, but I had just passed a light that caught my attention, after the car passed by me, I could barely see an animal running at me. This animal just happens to be a deer, luckily nobody got hurt, but this shows an example of how you need to be aware while driving at all times.I have not had my permit for a year yet, but my first few days of driving, I had my fair share of irresponsible driving, but how you learn and grow your knowledge of driving is what truly matters.

Some steps I can take to become a better driver are to acknowledge what happens on and off the road that can influence my driving. This can be watching stop lights and obeying what the law says you should do. Also, it can be to watch when adults are drinking to make sure they do not try to drive after. While driving I can look in all mirrors to make sure no surprises are going to jump out. By obeying the laws, myself, it can influence other drivers to do the same, and can help everyone survive on the road. Because I still have my permit, I must drive with my mom or dad in the car. Typically, my sisters will be there, too. They are almost old enough to start driving themselves (because they are twins), so my mom encourages them to watch the road sometimes and know what to do when driving. It can always be scary to start driving at first, but after some time you will get used to it and feel like it is something that is a part of you.

Safe driving is always the best choice for everyone’s life. There are several instances where innocent people have dies because of someone driving irresponsibly. One example of this was my mother, and her story proves that after one crash the pain does not go away. From such an early age someone’s life can be turned upside down.