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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Importance of Driver Education

Name: Jay Marzan
From: Payson , Utah
Votes: 0

Importance of Driver Education

Cars are such an innovative and somewhat necessary invention. But with new technologies come new challenges to overcome. Cars brought a new challenging and devastating problem. The driver is behind the wheel, so it is up to what the driver knows and can do. This is why driver education is essential in reducing deaths and accidents.

The importance of driver education is immense. Educating the person who is behind the wheel is very important. As they are getting taught how things work while on the road. Such as how to drive, when to signal, who has the right away, etc. Without this prior knowledge, they will go by what they see and what their own set of rules are. So it is very important to educate the driver.

Many steps can be used to reduce crashes. It is about re-educating people on good driving habits, including behavior. One step that could be taken is, making drivers take a refresher course on laws and good driving habits when they get their licenses renewed. This “refresher” could do what it is called and refresh people on laws and driving habits. This would only affect those who are renewing their license.

Another step could be to have public PSAs. They could be on the current count of fatalities in the current year and cautions of roads or weather conditions. Put these public announcements on highways and major roadways. This way you can reach the majority of drivers.

There are many ways that people can become better and safer at driving. One good practice is observing others. Observing others in how they drive and react to certain situations can help you improve yourself.

Increase surveillance on roads. A great example of this is South Korea. South Korea has invested a lot in surveillance. And one way they use it is on the road. They use cameras to take pictures of license plates. So in case you have done something, some cameras see everything. Since everything is linked to your license plate it would be easy to identify who it was.

If we used the same system we could see and id people. You could easily get the address of the person and send a letter with a fine if they were caught speeding. This letter could contain a picture of their vehicle at the time they were speeding or whatever law they were breaking. Including license plate number, the road they were driving, and the fine they have to pay.

I have not been in any car accidents. But I have seen some friends and family driving irresponsibly. Some friends have flipped cars or crashed into light poles. They know how to drive but they drive a little crazy when they are with friends. My family hasn’t gotten into any accidents. But they drive irresponsibly from time to time, such as changing lanes fairly quickly and surprising other drivers.

Many times it isn’t other people who don’t drive safely, it’s ourselves. We can all do different things to improve our driving. But personally, there are some steps I could take to improve myself. Everyone knows that when you drive you want to be awake. That is something I can work on. Many times while driving I’m just tired. I can easily fix the problem by getting more sleep.

Another problem that I can try to solve is watching my speed. I try to match the speed limit but sometimes I just let my foot rest and it lays on the pedal a little more. Or sometimes you just need to pass someone on the freeway and push it a little bit. But, you should stay within the speed limit. So I could just pay more attention to my speed.

Another personal problem I could fix is checking my blind spots when changing lanes. I have gotten a bit more relaxed with it. But, to prevent my crashing and hitting someone when turning. I do not know why I started getting lazy at it. But nevertheless, I should work on checking my blind spots way more often.

Driver education is a very important thing. It’s the bases of what every driver knows. There are many steps that can be taken to reduce crashes like adding surveillance, refreshing people’s knowledge on driver’s knowledge, and doing public announcements on driving conditions and laws. There are steps I can do personally to make my driving safer. Driver education is the biggest part of keeping people safe on the roads.