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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Gabriella Riley
From: CARY, Illinois
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

I believe that Driver Education is important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving because the more a driver can learn about the rules of the road and educating themselves about driving, the better off we all can be. In addition, the more practice a person has with a Driver Education teacher and driving with other people, they can learn and see by example how best to drive. It is important to arm people with the knowledge that they need to give them the experience and confidence to be the best driver they can be and in turn, will reduce the amount of deaths as a result of poor driving. Sometimes setting a good example and putting in the time and practice helps considerably.

If we can work with those new to driving, we can take the steps of informing them of the rules, work with them to practice those rules, and give them the experience of driving to gain their confidence. Currently, a lot of students and first-time drivers take the classroom outside of high school at a convenient time. In the past, driver education was always offered to students as a mandatory class they had to take, but now they are allowed to take it outside high school. People seem willing to pay the high cost of taking driver education outside the classroom in order to gain the convenience of time to obtain their license. Either way, the importance of teaching students about the rules, is crucial to keep safe drivers on the road. When introducing the rules to drivers, it is important to enforce and practice those rules to become second-nature to those starting out as drivers. Practice always makes perfect. The more we can practice with our new drivers, the more confident they are on the road and the safer the roads become.

To reduce the number of deaths on the road we need to continue to educate new drivers about the problems we see on the road. Texting and distractions seem to be current issues with our youth and educating them on the deaths they may cause, hopefully can get through to them in a way that keeps them more aware of their surroundings while on the road. Also, educating students about being under the influence and not driving while under the influence shows students the harm and death they can cause if they don’t take this seriously. Those are consequences that are life-changing to both the driver and the victim. I believe that people don’t think about the consequences of their decisions and if they see what those consequences might be, they may think harder before they make them. I know seeing videos and accidents in my Driver Education classes are kind of scary, but I will say, that I have never forgotten those images that I’ve seen. I also remember seeing accidents when traveling with my family where there is a terrible accident on the side of the road and makes your heart beat a little faster. In those moments, you realize how lucky you are and makes you think about life a little more and how precious it really is. People drive irresponsible and angry these days and it is hard to drive well and also not upset others along the way. We can only prepare ourselves and hope that others will follow by your example.

I have seen bad drivers on the road and it does alert you to what you should not do. I have not personally had a family member driving irresponsibly and maybe it is because my father is a driver education teacher. He has set a good example for my brother and I and drives very responsibly. I think him setting a good example for us has made us better drivers. My mother and father always tell me that you can be the best driver in the world, but sometimes it’s paying attention to other drivers and the situations around you. You can’t assume that everyone else is following the rules and sometimes anticipating what others might do, allows you to be better prepared. I think seeing and experiencing being on the road is the best form of practice for the drivers on the road. The more experience in driving and seeing other driver, the better equipped we are to make better decisions while driving. Sometimes the best step to making a better driver is by showing by example. If you try to be the best driver you can be in front of others and your children, the more they see what they should do and how they should act.