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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – drivers ed scholarship

Name: Savana Drapeau
From: los lunas, new mexico
Votes: 0

drivers ed scholarship

  • What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving? To reduce the number of deaths is not to text and drive. As a beginner learner, it will be hard at first until you get the hang of it. At first you will drive slowly because you are scared but you have to remember not to drive as slow because that can cause a crash. You have to always pay attention on the road. Have both eyes on the road and don’t be distracted on something else. A good driver training program can provide defense driving instruction and discussions of accident types and can reduce the likely hood of an accident occurring. Having knowledge of road safety can prevent many of the dangers of the road and make the roads safer for everyone. Driving on the road can have radial consequences if not taking care of proper speed limit, lack of attention on the road, and consuming illegal substances such as the use of alcohol beverages. To be involved in crashes or a traffic violation during the first two years of driving.

  • What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? What can induce the number of deaths would be not to Don’t drink or drive, don’t do drugs. Even medication prescribed by a doctor can also be impairing. Buckle up when you get in a car. You have to drive carefully so you don’t hurt yourself or others. Never speed especially if you have something important to do. Drive at the speed that is the speed limit. Also, never text and drive while driving, if it is an emergency then pull over and put it in park. Make sure every passenger in the vehicle is buckled up. The reduce risk of death and injury would be 50%. Limit your night driving and your passengers in the vehicle.

  • Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly? I have not experience being in a car accident. My parents have been in one with their parents but they have always drove carefully with us being in the vehicle. I pray it never happens but you never know what the future is like. My cousin died from a car accident it was really bad, it was the other car’s fault. They were driving and driving and hit her. It was horrible and scary. I never want to go through that in my life. I Thank God every day for not going through a situation like that… that’s why I drive carefully when I am in the vehicle. I never want to harm others or myself.

  • What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road? Things I would recommend while entering a vehicle would be to always wear a seat belt. Pick the right music before you drive. Calming music can help keep you calm on the road. Do not try doing something else while driving especially taking your eyes off the road can be dangerous. Keep your cell phone away from you while driving. Make sure you have your eyewear on at all times. One big thing is to not drink or drive, call somebody to get you or uber yourself to where you need to go. Make sure to keep your speed down and go the speed limit. pay attention to where you’re driving and be aware of your surroundings. Keep your eyes on the road. During bad weather drive at slower speeds to avoid skidding on ice or slipper roads. Turn your lights on day and night when it’s raining or if there is fog. Always look both ways at an intersection. Keep your distance and do not tailgate other while driving because it might make them nervous and want to speed. Grip the steering wheel correctly and keep both of your hands on the steering wheel it will help you keep a good grip and control of your vehicle. Stay alert and awake. If you do find yourself feeling sleeping, the best thing to do is pull over and take a short nap. Do not drive if you are feeling too tired, under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Wear your seat beat correctly. Pay attention to the flow of traffic. Focus on the traffic flow and what other drivers are doing too.