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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driving

Name: Taylor smith
From: Titusville, Fl
Votes: 0


Well lets begin and say to begin with how horribly sad it is for the amount of deaths due to car accidents and bad driving is more than wars have been. With more education and safety as a whole we can bring those numbers way down.

I believe it is so important to do anything we can as a community to reduce these numbers not only for ourselves but for our family members. When people drive I think the thoughts that run through their had is that “well I am invincible” or “that wouldn’t happen to me.” Though we may think this its important to know we must still vigilant of all our surroundings and other cars around us. The importance also is for our loved ones. Nobody wants to get that horrible call that our loved one is now gone due to not being responsible or other drivers not being responsible or paying attention to what they’re doing.

I think important steps we can take is having people retake or are required to review a course every year going of safety tips so that this information is refreshed in peoples minds. Having to review how to be a safe driver could potentially save so many lives as it lets the public understand the cause and effect of not being responsible or educated in safe driving. I also believe that possibly adding more enforcements to drivers will help. Even on my daily drive home I see so many drivers doing things that are absurd and almost causing accidents people really just don’t care when they drive and its putting everyone else at risk around them. I believe having cops being more visual will help a lot and educate them on what to do and not do on the road because people really don’t seem to care. A lot of things get pushed by or not noticed at all and I believe this portrays into more accidents on the road that can always be avoided. I also think encouraging more safety features on vehicles will help as well. There are some cars that physically move the seats for less of an impact when they detect a crash coming. Adding better braking systems, more extreme lane departure features, more airbags, not being able to park or listen to the radio without your seatbelt being on, and better speed detection. I also belie that timing vehicles should not be something we are allowed to do. When I’m in a car with tint I cannot see out their window whatsoever and if this wasn’t a thing then more people would be able to see everything clearly that’s going on outside the window. When the sun goes down it makes visibility so much harder as its so dark outside the windows and harder to see other cars.

To touch on a few of those features I mentioned above they seatbelt feature would help so much because there’s so many people not wearing them. I know it sounds so advanced to do but even adding a feature where the car wont even start until the seatbelt is buckled around the person. As far as the speed detection adding a feature to detect how fast you’re going and lower the speed automatically if you’re speeding too much. There are so many accidents due to speeding and losing control because of this which is a danger to everyone so I think there needs to be a feature to limit how fast you really are going to try and limit the aunt of times people lose control of the cars.

I have had any personal experiences while driving with someone just more or less of other drivers not paying attention to us. Merging before looking or even pulling out into the road without any concern to anyone around them. I think better steps I can take is being more visual to my surroundings and anticipate any next moves drivers will have. Using my blinker more and following up on any road rules I may have forgotten or need to know when traveling somewhere new. What I’ve been doing recently is setting the cruise to a certain amount and eating it drive at that speed to avoided speeding. I definitely want to continue to drive without texting as this is also such a common issue with drivers regardless of the age. I want my friends and family to be able to fully do this as it contributes to their safety and the safety for everyone else. Being more educated on road and road safety can benefit everyone and having accidents be a thing of the past.