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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Safe Driving Saves Lives

Name: Mariah L. Chapman
From: Richton Park, IL
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Saves Lives

Driver Education is important for many reasons including the fact that it can save lives. Every driver, especially teens should take a Driver Education course before getting behind the wheel.

Teens need to be taught that driving is a task that is complex and demanding. Parents know how much experience a young driver has, and they know exactly how inconvenient it is when they have to drive with their teen everywhere while they have their permit. Teens tend to cause most traffic accidents in adults’ eyes. They are not experienced yet, and often fail to pay attention to others on the road. They often think of a car as being some type of toy, but they do not know how powerful it really is. The driver education programs must be strengthened to make sure that students really have safer habits, behind the wheel experience, and by having a better understanding of all the laws on the road.

One of the key fundamentals of Driver Education is that it teaches you the proper and correct way to drive. In Driver Education you are taught to take steps to protect yourself and others even before getting behind the steering wheel. It boosts the confidence of inexperienced drivers, and refresher courses help seasoned drivers correct bad driving habits they may have picked up over the years or it may teach them new defensive driving techniques.

Another fundamental aspect of Driver Education is that it teaches you driver and vehicle safety techniques – such as keeping your vehicle in tip-top condition by ensuring that your tires are properly inflated; mirrors are clear; and that the windshields are not obstructed. These seem like logical steps for a driver to take, but many people just jump in the driver seat, start the car, and take off.

When driving you must anticipate the actions of others. You can’t drive for yourself, you must keep a vigilant eye on traffic, watch out for other drivers, pedestrians, animals, debris on the road all while operating your vehicle. This may seem like a formidable task, but the more you drive you will develop this skill – but I must caution you, you can never allow yourself to become complacent, because complacency can lead to you being the cause of an accident and hurting or killing someone (or yourself). A good driver is a defensive driver. Defensive driving is a fundamental skill taught in Driver Education.

In addition to driving defensively, you must take steps to protect yourself and others – you and all passengers should wear your seatbelts. Wearing a seatbelt is but one safety measures a driver should perform. Some other measures that should be done are driving with low beams on at all times, to make a safety check over that entire vehicle which would include checking the mirrors, positioning the driver’s seat, making sure the tires are properly inflated, that the windshield, back and side windows are not cracked or broken and performing regular vehicle maintenance.

Vehicle maintenance is a vital part of safe driving, but that must also be aligned with the condition of the driver. The driver should be in sound physical and mental condition. He or she should not be intoxicated from drugs or alcohol – this includes prescribed drugs – which can also impair a person mentally and physically. The driver should also not be tired, mad, or frustrated. Either of these conditions could jeopardize not only those in the vehicle with you, but other drivers and pedestrians. A driver must always be in good condition physically and mentally when considering operating a motor vehicle.

Driving a car is a big responsibility that most people, especially during their adolescent years look forward to having. It is a long and tedious process to get your license, but it is well worth it. Sitting behind the wheel of a car can be thrilling and exciting to new drivers. Driving also can be very risky if people do not follow certain rules and guidelines. The rules and regulations are set in place to make driving as safe and smooth as possible. It is the driver’s responsibility to follow the rules otherwise the consequences can be deadly.

Unfortunately, many people are not safe drivers, however, I can say that the members of my family and my friends are. If I happen to be riding with someone, including parents of friends, and they are displaying unsafe habits, I ask them to stop at a safe location and inform them that I will not continue to ride with them driving this way. I would then proceed to call my family to come and get me and take me where I was originally going or to bring me home.

Some of the most basic steps you can take to become a safe driver includes, but is not limited to staying focused when driving; planning ahead; watching the weather; follow the rules of the road, especially maintaining the speed limit; keeping your cool; keeping your distance at all times – this is very crucial in inclement weather; maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel by using the 9:00/3:00 holding technique; keeping your head lights on at all time; maintaining control of your vehicle when an incident occurs such as a blown tire, skidding, or if you are involved in an accident; and not drinking and driving or using a cellphone.

Driving is an activity in which you must keep learning even after you get your driver’s license. It is a continuous learning process for many reasons, including the fact that vehicle performance change with every new model, and that the laws change state to state, nationally and internationally to ensure safe roads for all.