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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Educated Driving

Name: Erianna Macklin
From: Cincinnati, OH
Votes: 0

The Importance of Educated Driving

Having proper education when it pertains to driving a motor vehicle is essential for the safety of oneself, and the others around them. We live in a busy world, where many people are commuting from one destination to another. I live in an area where traffic is heavy, and I observe erratic driving behavior at least once daily. Some of the basic education related to driving safely and lawfully includes, but is not limited to, understanding how to operate the vehicle, maneuverability, awareness of surroundings, proper use of turn signals, minimizing distractions, wearing a seatbelt, and staying within the designated speed limit. If drivers kept this knowledge in the forefront of their mind while operating a vehicle, it would certainly decrease the number of deaths resulting from driving. Another important point is that all drivers must never operate a vehicle while impaired, sleep deprived, or while they are texting and driving. It appears as if there has been an uptick in road rage incidents as well, pointing towards the pertinence of driving with grace and consideration of others. Road rage often results because drivers do not adhere to proper driving laws which causes a conflict between the drivers involved. In other words, if drivers are operating their vehicles safely and properly, it should minimize road rage incidences. Drivers cannot control the actions of other drivers but implementing the basic education I mentioned above may prevent a tragic accident from occurring. My suggestion to reduce the number of deaths from driving would be to create a requirement of continued educational courses as a prerequisite to license renewal. This frequent education would keep drivers up to date on the education that helps enforce safe driving practices. I strongly believe that every so often, drivers should be re-evaluated with a driving test to prove to the state they are still fit to operate a vehicle. Additionally, any drivers under the influence should receive strict punishment until they are able to prove to the court system that they are safe to drive again.

I personally have been in a dangerous car accident myself and nearly lost my life in 2015. This was caused by a drunk driver who collided with my vehicle. I spent weeks in the hospital with extensive injuries and even longer throughout my rehabilitation process. In addition, speaking as a trauma ICU nurse, I see many patients in critical condition because of unsafe driving, whether it be from texting, speeding, unforeseen collisions, unsafe driving conditions, or impaired driving. The parents and loved ones are forced to bury and grieve their lost loved one when they least expected it. A family member of mine texts and drives often, and I have warned them many times of the dangers involved with that. Texting and using devices while operating a vehicle is becoming more of a problem as society advances, but possibly educational courses will help facilitate more safety on the road in that regard.

Speaking as an individual who has been a victim of drunk driving and an ICU nurse, I feel it is my due diligence to help others become safer on the road, not just for their safety, but others around them. I have seen firsthand the tragedy of deadly motor vehicle accidents has on their loved ones. Speaking from my heart, there is nothing more devastating than caring for a patient who is barely 18 years old, who lost their life to a potentially avoidable situation. Unfortunately, that patient will never be able to grow up, have a family, reach their fullest potential, and live a happy life. I am an advocate for safe driving, and I take every opportunity to educate my patients, family, and friends on how to practice safe driving. Personally, I am always sure to use proper turn signals, pay attention to my surroundings, drive the speed limit, wear my seatbelt, and minimize distractions (i.e., cell phones). I stay up to date with current weather conditions and drive appropriately and cautiously during inclement weather conditions.

In conclusion, safe driving and proper education will decrease the number of fatalities from motor vehicle accidents. Several factors were discussed above, if they are implemented properly, it should encourage safer driving habits amongst the community. Those factors include fully understanding how to operate the vehicle, refraining from impaired driving, wearing a seatbelt, proficiency in maneuverability, constant awareness of surroundings, proper use of turn signals, minimizing distractions, and staying within the designated speed limit. Basic consideration of other drivers around you and reducing road rage may also prevent unwanted collisions that could result in a fatality. As I suggested above, implementation of educational courses and possible driving tests before license renewal may have a positive impact in reducing deaths on the roadways. Since my accident in 2015, I have made it a goal of mine to educate others in hopes that they will adopt the knowledge that I have instilled upon them. Because of my strong opinions on this topic, I hope that I may be considered as a possible recipient for this scholarship to further my education as a critical care nurse.