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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Passing on the Importance of Safe Driving to the Next Generation

Name: Megan Callahan
From: Lenexa, Kansas
Votes: 0

Passing on the Importance of Safe Driving to the Next Generation

In 2020, the media put out that there were a total of 3,142 deaths involving car accidents caused by distractions ( That is 3,142 lives that have been taken away due to something that is extremely preventable. Families and friends devastated by their loss, and eager to find a way to put a stop to this statistic. As a society, we can pass on the importance of safe driving to the next generation by driving education, speaking out about our own experience, and becoming a safer driver yourself.

Starting off, we learn about the importance of driver education. In drivers education, drivers not only learn how to drive, but they learn how to be safe while driving. In driving school they learn the risks of driving and how important it is to keep focused on the road and not on a cell phone, the music, or any other distraction. According to young drivers who have not taken drivers education courses are 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury due to driving. While taking this in, it really puts in perspective how important drivers education is. Some may think that the little distraction that their cell phone has to offer is harmless, but it’s not until something devastating happens when they realize how deadly it can be. If a driver were to be distracted and get into a fatal crash, injuring passengers in the car, it will affect the rest of their life, leaving them with enormous guilt. The driver would forever think back, “only if I never decided to respond to that text,” their life would be completely different. This is the reason why driver education is so important and could save millions of lives in the world.

Next off, I want to share an experience that has impacted my life due to driving. Last year I lost a classmate in a car accident. My school, and community were greatly impacted by this devastation. By seeing how much of an impact one can have on an entire community is breathtaking. I never want to lose someone to a car accident ever again. That is why I am very passionate about spreading the word about safe driving. I want to make sure all new drivers and all future drivers know how important it is to take the steps necessary to drive safely at all times. Whenever I am in the car and one of my family members or friends is trying to text at a red light, I will tell them “let me text them, back for you”. By telling them this statement, it makes them and I feel a lot safer, knowing that the driver is not being distracted by a cell phone. The same goes if I were driving as well. If I were driving and there had to be a text sent out that could not wait, I would ask a passenger in my car to take my phone and send a text message back. By doing this, it sets a good example for the passengers in the car, along with driving safely.

Now, you may ask yourself, what now? Well, let me tell you some steps to take in order to become a safer driver and how to prevent fatal car accidents. First off, use your voice and speak out about the importance of safe driving. Bring to mind how many accidents are caused by distractions and how preventable they are. If you are a parent, set a fantastic example to your kids and never text and drive, no matter what. Set your kids up for success by setting them down and having a talk with them on how to become a safer driver. If you are a teenager, speak up when you see distracted drivers. Because many teens like to text and drive, but be heard and spread awareness. One way you can spread awareness is by having your friends and family sign a pledge to commit to distraction- free driving. By doing this, you are holding your loved ones accountable and creating a pact to ensure they are taking the right steps to being safe.

Going forth, there are many opportunities to spread awareness and practice safe, distraction- free driving. It is up to you and me to put a stop to distracted driving. If we can spread awareness to distracted driving, we will be able to keep the future generations safe for many years to come.

Works Cited

University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Web Developer Network. “Study: Driver’s Ed Significantly Reduces Teen Crashes, Tickets.” Study: Driver’s Ed Significantly Reduces Teen Crashes, Tickets | News Releases | University of Nebraska-Lincoln,,+tickets.

Distracted Driving.” NHTSA,