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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Educated Drivers Prevent Fatalities

Name: Rose Owens
From: Moscow, Idaho
Votes: 0

Educated Drivers Prevent Fatalities

In Idaho, kids can start driving at 14.5 years old. That’s terrifying! When I tell people this they are in absolute shock. In the small town that I lived in, it would be really hard to not be allowed to drive that young. How would teens be able to help out their families with work if they couldn’t drive farming equipment on the roads? Both of my parents work full time and when I needed a ride anywhere including to school I always had to rely on others until I got my license. Living in a rural area makes it difficult to get anywhere without driving. While it’s hard to believe that a 14 year old can legally drive, drivers education is still required to get a license and does a lot to keep the roads safe. Drivers education teaches people to know the steps to take to prevent fatalities as how to make sure you and other drivers are smart on the roads.

At the age of 14.5, I was able to take driver’s education, it was a month-long program and after that I got my permit. One thing that stuck out to me was a fact we learned in class: “Most fatal car accidents involving teens happen within the first 6 months of obtaining a license.” I did not realize how frequently deaths occurred due to automobile accidents. There are so many things to learn in drivers ed, that are not common knowledge. For example some people might not realize how detrimental driving under the influence can be. In drivers ed they tell you horror stories that can really open your eyes. With hundreds of different laws and rules it’s hard for someone who isn’t educated to understand them all which could lead to a serious accident. It is also extremely beneficial to have a certified driving instructor teach you, there is a big difference between telling you how to drive safely and showing you how. Cars are a valuable technological advancement but there is not a lot of room for error when operating these powerful beasts, this is why drivers education is a key factor in reducing deaths due to car accidents.

Driver’s education is obviously important in reducing driving related deaths but there are many other steps you can take in order to prevent fatalities. Parents should teach their children the responsibilities that all drivers have from a young age. Drivers who are caught being unsafe should have significant punishments such as tickets or the loss of their license. With advances in other technologies such as cellular devices, people should be taught the importance of staying focused on the road, rather than these distractions. Finally there should be rewards such as a lower insurance rate due to a good record of safe driving.

Unfortunately at a young age a family member of mine had a falling out with his family, he dropped out of school and became homeless. He never took driver’s education and has been driving illegally. It is not hard to tell he is uneducated and a threat to himself and others with his driving. He has been in several accidents and wrecked multiple vehicles. He also let himself be put in unsafe positions while riding with other drivers who were also unsafe. It was awful when I heard the news that he was in the hospital because of a car crash. The driver was drunk, and he was aware of that but still got in the vehicle. Luckily he had a full recovery, but I believe that if he had taken driver’s education he could have prevented this.

Many of my peers in high school made poor decisions while they were behind the wheel. Some got DUIs, some sped too fast on slick roads, and some let distraction such as phones impede on their safe driving. To help others be safe on the roads we must hold them accountable for their actions. We shouldn’t just laugh off these dangerous offenses. Making these situations serious matters and teaching them the importance of avoiding them, is important even if it isn’t the ‘cool’ thing to do. In order for me to continue being a safe driver I need to keep distractions such as my phone away while I’m driving. I also need to abide by the rules of the road even if no one is around, such as driving the speed limit. This could become a habit that I do subconsciously in unsafe circumstances. It is also important to keep myself updated on new laws in my area. Lastly, it’s important that I take pride in being a safe driver, giving myself a pat on the back is a good way to keep myself accountable.

Whether you are 14.5 or much older it is important to be educated behind the wheel. A country where we value driver’s education and the lessons it teaches us, is much a safer one.