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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – What being a safe and educated driver is

Name: sonia d robinson
From: Virginia Beach, VA
Votes: 0

What being a safe and educated driver is

There are many impacts that life has on a person’s spirit, one of those being able to drive. One of greatest admirable qualities to possess for anyone in life is the ability to drive safely in all kinds of situations and to be well educated in the basic skills in driving. Driving is a skill that must be practiced over and over and in a safe and reasonable way in order to be perfected in a responsible manner. I can not overstate the importance of driver education and having a thorough meaning of what it can do to save lives. I believe that driver’s ed should be taught starting in middle school not high school the earlier the learning begins the better outcome of perhaps promoting better driver responsibility in the future. If school’s and the law would allow children to enter this program earlier this may help in preventing senseless accidents on the road.

As an older driver I have seen many people including my family and friends being irresponsible when they were driving so much to this day I will not get in the car with them if they are the one going to be the driver. I have seen them on the phone and texting on the phone all while eating with one hand on the wheel. I’ve seen them looking for things in the passenger seat then the road because they are too impatient to wait to get to their destination or pull over to get what they need. I have also been involved in accidents where one of my m family members who was driving and someone hit us from behind because they were looking at their phone in the car in front of them. On any given day of the week I see so many people making preventable mishaps, speeding, not staying in their lane, etc and at times I feel scared of being on the road even though it is a necessary thing I must do daily.

Kids need to really see an example of what can happen when doing the wrong things on the road, maybe taking field trips, watching demonstration videos if necessary. Not only do kid’s need to stay safe but adults need to take on more responsibility in leading the example.

We need to provide a better stand when driving and handling a motor vehicle. I think we need stricter laws on driving and especially when a person is a repeat offender too. Bigger fines may help to curb this. It is sad to think the only thing that may save a life we don’t do because it seems to some adults to be an “accoyonce” which is wearing your seatbelt. We put our babies in their car seats and make sure our kids put their seatbelts on but we can’t? Children learn by lead. I believe no one wants to hear the words. If only I was wearing my seatbelt I might be in less physical pain or worse they could die for not wearing one and a loved one will be saying this sentence. It takes a village to raise a child we as adults need to help our children be the best they can especially behind the wheel as with not drinking and driving we must be more responsible with the way we drive there is nothing worth speeding or or not wearing your seatbelt and or tailgating someone just to get to one place to the next that could take your life it is not worth it or worth the lives of others especially our little ones. For me, I am currently teaching my children the importance of safe driving and having patience no matter how you are feeling on the day you must be safe. Pay attention on the road particularly, on the highway with faster speeds. Always, wear your seatbelt and don’t touch my phone until I get to where I am going. It has taken me many years to develop the patience and deal with traffic and with careless and reckless drivers I use music at the safe level to help me stay calm because I will admit I have made mistakes myself with driving but I have learned to correct them so that my kid’s do not repeat the cycle. I also teach my children that driving is a privilege and not a right and to always remember this you are the driver.