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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Gamble of Driving Without Knowledge

Name: Chase Nagy
From: Millcreek, UT
Votes: 0

The Gamble of Driving Without Knowledge

The notable benevolence of having a system where everyone learns universal traffic laws serves a critical role in decreasing the amount of vehicle-related deaths to a profound extent. Furthermore, Driver’s Education is a system providing essential knowledge of driving etiquette on a national basis. External academic teaching serves a critical purpose in preventing previous instances that would result in imminent casualty. For example, in practice, the population of licensed drivers after Drivers Education should possess the knowledge that the person on the left has the right of way. Even simple predicaments like mentioned prior can ultimately lead to a fatal conclusion if miscommunicated amongst drivers. Basically, regardless of where or when, the synecdoche of basic information plays a substantial factor in preventing the total number of motor deaths. Furthermore, without that common understanding of stop signs many more life threatening accidents would occur more often, because people aren’t able to communicate as clearly on the roads. People gain knowledge and practice when attending Drivers Education. When drivers obtain that information it creates better transmission between drivers; which further decreases the risk of confusion that leads toward situations of imminent harm to themselves or others. Moreover, Driver’s Education is based upon real life experiences and past mistakes so that many commonly occurring situations can be taught and problems can be prevented. In many ways, the knowledge you pertain from Drivers Education reduces the risks of deaths and leads to a better understanding for all.

One of the most important steps in reducing the number of deaths due to driving is practicing with an experienced driving instructor. Learning from experience, becoming aware of the mistakes that are commonly made amongst drivers, and learning what to do immediately to avoid any contact is very essential when you can’t control the conditions or others that share the road. More so, getting those permit hours on the road; taking advantage of the Drivers Ed hours with your instructor to better learn the ways of the road because having the accountability to control and the ability to make quick decisions will save your life. Furthermore, experiencing ice on the roads, you do not know how to calmly handle your car spinning on ice out of control until you have the hands on experience. You can listen and learn but some situations when real life stress, adrenaline, and chaos is present take practice and hands on experience. Oftentimes, motor caused death is due to irresponsibility or lack of experience; why do you think so many more accidents happen when it snows? Partly, because the conditions are a lot harder to drive in (which conversely affects the reliability of brakes or blah). More likely, because the (inept driver)inexperienced driver had never lost control and skid out on the roads due to weather. Next time they lost control they would have more knowledge and control because of that experience. In conclusion, experience and practice greatly reduce risk of death as a result of driving.

Driving irresponsibly goes hand in hand with lack of knowledge when you do not educate yourself on the standards Drivers Ed teaches which sadly often costs someone’s life or your own. Many people don’t realize the impact your own decisions have on everyone else on the road. Alcoholism runs in my family deep down the line; I’ve seen from a young age many family members choose to risk not just their own, but their loved one’s lives by choosing to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. It is incredible to consider as well that it isn’t just the driver’s vehicle and passengers, but every other third party that crosses paths that can have a life changing effect. This is a powerful example of how individual choices, whether bad or good, influence everyone around you; choices that directly affect everyone you are sharing the road with. Additionally, having an innate mental reference of how to react in certain predicaments ultimately protects the general public from impending hazards on the road. Study and apply solid principles and common rules based on the learning experiences of Drivers Education. Pay attention and adapt to changing conditions and unpredictable behaviors. Focus on personal safety and meeting others expectations to ensure their ability to perform and reach your goal; get from point A to point B with minimal distractions. Summarizing, the knowledge conversed through drivers ed amongst the public has significantly changed the way I go about traversing in a vehicle and reflectively diminished the amount of inexorable crashes for others as well. In conclusion, your practice might be over and permit in the trash but reminding yourself to; Remain alert, pay attention to road conditions, vehicle limits while being aware of how other people’s behaviors and choices can and do alter your behaviors and driving.