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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – In the Driver Seat

Name: Aaliyah Brown
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

In the Driver Seat

The difference between making it home that night comes down to two things: safe driving and educational driving. People must become more cautious when driving with the increase in car accidents. Safety and education are not something to play around with. As a society, we must stop waiting for others to be affected to produce the necessary change. As Americans, insurance companies have also become so accustomed to car crashes that they have become easier and easier to settle. I want the reader of my essay to realize how significant learning how to drive safely is. Without an educational background in driving, one cannot truly be safe while driving because they do not have a diverse knowledge of laws, signs, or even the basic workings of a car.

In other words, I have caught myself not knowing what a blinking button on my car means and laughing it off and googling it. However, that is not funny because I should know such a basic symbol from the driving classes I took. Often, it is easy to get around the driving classes, and that is how so many people get behind the wheel who do not need to be. Although, in 2022, we have so many resources to help us prevent the deaths and casualties that can come with driving, the numbers continue to skyrocket. We ignore the boring classes and only focus on the fact that we now have a car and can do what we want. I have unfortunately been part of the group that did not take driving too seriously. Since it is so easy to acquire a driver’s license, one does not have to truly learn or get educated. It is extremely easy to get around because the driving test is in less than 10 minutes. Even though I have been driving since I was 16, I am still learning vital facts about driving that could save a life. Education is forever growing, so adapting to it is essential to lessen the deaths.

To illustrate, living in such modern times, we have apps like Uber and Lyft where one can order a car if they do not want to drive themselves. These apps have become crucial in the lives of young students, especially college students. I mention this because choosing to spend the money for the ride is far more important than getting in one’s car not sober. I mention this because I am personally dealing with the death of someone close to me who died because of drunk driving. I will never be able to forget the call I got that night or erase the videos I saw. It was a preventable death, which is why it is critical to teach stronger and more interactive driver education to reduce the number of fatalities caused by driving. A way to push kids not to get behind the wheel after a fun night out is crucial. Advertising for Uber and other ride-sharing apps around clubs or areas where drinking occurs can cause people to think before driving home. I have had to see how the death of my friend has impacted the lives of the people left here mourning. She was filled with so much light and joy that I still believe one day I will see her at the store or on the street. Nothing can bring her back, and that is the saddest part of it. All we can do is live for her.

Furthermore, in addition to warning people not to drive, I believe we should work to educate children about the consequences of driving academy courses. Not just the death, but the toll it takes on the family and friends, the cost of the wreck, etc. There are so many factors at play after a death that should be known about. If my friend had been more educated and chosen safe driving over just trying to get home, I could have seen her today. I pray for her family, her friends, and herself that she was happy, and I wish I could have been there to tell her it was not safe to drive in her current state.

Therefore, showing the facts and numbers that come with unsafe driving could honestly scare people into being safer. Car accidents have become so normalized in our society. If we do not change the rising number of deaths that cars take every year, it will only continue to rise, taking our family, friends, and loved ones with it. Having this personal experience, I cannot stand just letting unsafe driving become the norm. We have become accustomed to it. It all starts with us, and I will continue to advocate for policies and changes that will benefit all my friends. I am grateful for the opportunity provided by this scholarship to spread the word, and I hope that one day peace will be found in all the deaths caused by preventable fatal crashes.