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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Safety

Name: Giavanna Petrucci
From: Plymouth, Michigan
Votes: 0

Driver Safety

Safe driving can be achieved in many ways, and in this essay, many methods and reasons to drive safely will be explored and analyzed. Being aware of these methods is essential because they will benefit your everyday life in the long run. It is also beneficial to share what you have learned about driver safety with friends and family. Staying safe while driving is crucial not only to you but to others on the road with you as well. One small mistake could change you and someone else’s entire life. This is why it’s best to stay aware and absorb all the information for you. The importance of having a driver’s education, the steps to becoming a safer driver, and personal driving experiences will be discussed.

Having a driver’s education is extremely important, and without this knowledge, your life could be at risk. A driver’s training program is a great way to learn more about driving. Driver training can teach you all sorts of things about driving, including things you had no idea about. Having this learning experience can save you money, time, and danger. This can help avoid getting tickets or even getting into a car crash. It is always an option to skip the driver’s training and take the test right away at 18, but this could have consequences. Your driving knowledge would be greatly affected if you took this path. What you know would be based on what you have learned on your own as a driver. While this is okay, you could be in a situation where you wouldn’t know what to do because you don’t have prior knowledge.

There are many steps you can take to become a better driver. One of the biggest things you can do for yourself as a driver is aware of your surroundings. To be aware, you can not be on your phone, doing drugs, or if you are drinking alcohol. These are the worst things you could do to yourself as a driver. Contributing to this puts you at great risk for an accident, which could even lead to death. Your brain should be awake and ready to watch your surroundings. Another thing you can do is communicate. Driver communication is important because it is always good to have an understanding of the driver. A passenger could point out things that are important to the driver to watch out for. Studying the driving handbook could be helpful to build your knowledge. In the end, becoming the best driver you can not only take work but also experience, which comes with time.

Almost every person knows of someone who has been in a car accident. Car crashes are much more common than they used to be. Now we have an additional problem with phone-addicted drivers. Although not every accident will end up with a hospital visit, it is still smart to stay safe about it. Either way, you are still going to have to end up paying due to the car damage. Next time, think of the effects of risky driving. You should only ever drive when you are in a good headframe. If you are extremely upset over something, have someone else drive you. Being upset can lead to lashing out or making impulsive decisions. You never know what could happen if you were in a car with an angry driver. Choose to be driven by people who you trust, and someone who will not drive safely. It is best to keep your eyes out on the driver to see how responsive they are to the situation.

In conclusion, safe driving is extremely important and life-changing. There are endless steps on things you are able to do to become a better driver. A driver’s training program could be a great place for someone to start at a younger age. Making sure you are awake and aware is another important factor. Driving only when you are in a good headspace. These few ways to become a better driver are of the utmost importance to your safety. Every single thing you do affects what happens to you later on. This is why it’s good to stay careful at all times that you need. It is best to look out for yourself, and the people around you. Your actions and decisions can affect someone’s life drastically. It is always important to stay alert and be a responsible driver. In conclusion, it is extremely important to have a driver’s education, learn the steps to become a better driver and have personal driving experiences.