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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Eyes on the road

Name: Sonia Martinez
From: Long Beach, CA
Votes: 0

Eyes on the road

Eyes on the road for valuable lives

I live in California in Los Angeles County and as you know there is a lot of traffic so the risk of having an accident is very high. I think that before people can get their driver’s license, they should have a little talk or some sort of videos regarding the accidents and lives that are lost daily due to the distractions while driving. Accidents happen and people are not always responsible, so many automotive companies have incorporated very useful technologies to avoid an accident. It would be good to have this type of information in schools and things that young people can do to avoid distractions. Something very could be free driving classes at community colleges so that young drivers and others could benefit and better prepared before driving a car.

I think the main thing is to have a good conscience, be aware that when we are behind the wheel, we are responsible for our lives and also for the lives of others when we are driving. Take the precautions that have been indicated to us, such as not driving while tired or under the influence of any substance. As good friends and family let’s not allow anyone to drive in a bad state. Let’s always remember that even if we are good drivers, we can make mistakes and even more so when our mind is not at its full capacity.

I have never been involved in any traffic accident, but I do know people who have experienced it. My dad and brother worked for many years driving 16-wheelers. Because my brother wanted to get home soon after a long trip, he did not consider the possible consequences and decided to drive tired. So, for a few seconds he fell asleep, veered off the road and his truck flipped over. Although it was a terrible accident, he did not collide with any other vehicle and nothing serious happened to him even though a large piece of metal could have gone through his head for just a few inches. My dad was in an accident in a 16-wheeler too. Due to his age, he decided not to work in that field anymore but only to dedicate himself to mechanics. He sold his truck and was on his way to deliver it to the new owner. On the way he noticed that another truck was coming behind him, but he didn’t give it much importance and when he least expected it the truck behind him hit him so hard that it made his truck turn around and go around several times. In one of those laps, he went flying and almost fell on a large stone. Fortunately, that big stone helped him to prevent the truck from crushing him. As this happened on a low traffic road, he was without help for several hours and due to his diabetes, he had two heart attacks. When they found him, he had a dislocated leg and when he put it back on his hip, he suffered a third heart attack. He was in recovery for several months and still needs complete femur and hip replacement surgery. This accident was caused because the driver of the other truck was driving under the influence of a drug.

Something that we always do in my family is to keep the vehicles in good condition. Do tune ups in due time and document all this. If something breaks down, we always try to buy quality products and we do the same with gasoline since it keeps the engine in better condition and helps to have better performance. Another very important aspect that we always keep in mind is that we keep our vehicles clean without objects that obstruct the mirrors or that are rolling around or causing distractions. Before I go out, if I want to listen to something from my phone, I connect it and do not to let it distract me. I don’t answer calls if my phone is not connected to the car’s Bluetooth. Something important that my father has taught me is to respect large vehicles since they take longer to stop due to their weight and size, so it is better to let them go first and not try to compete. Every day I come across drivers distracted by a myriad of things, so I try to avoid them by taking another route if possible. The use of turn signals and emergency lights is very important so I always use them, and many people should use them too. I try to make eye contact with other drivers at some intersections. Observe the flow of traffic and drive at an appropriate speed, neither too slow nor too fast, as in both cases there may be accidents. I think we can all do a lot if we just pay more attention to the road. We must always keep in mind that our life and that of others are very valuable and irreplaceable.