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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Smart Driving Saves Lives

Name: Asjia D. Roberson
From: Los Angeles, CA
Votes: 0

Smart Driving Saves Lives

Driver education is very important in reducing the number of deaths from driving. A 2015 study by Shell and Newman that followed more than 150,000 teen drivers over eight years found that driver’s education significantly reduces crashes and traffic violations among new drivers. That study showed that young drivers who had not completed driver’s education are 75% more likely to get a traffic ticket, 24% more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident, and 16% more likely to have an accident. This is significantly important, because since that initial study in the 1980s that opposed this recent finding, many states had stopped paying for driver’s education programs in schools and insurance companies has discontinued offering premium discounts for driver’s education.

Shell and Newman compiled the driving records of 151,800 youth who obtained their provisional operators permit between 2003 and 2010. 53% of the students took a state-approved driver’s education course, the remaining students logged 50 hours of practice driving under the supervision of a parent or adult. During their first year of driving, the driver’s education students had fewer accidents and traffic tickets than those who did not take driver’s education. The research further concluded that the teens that took the driver’s education course were less involved in crashes or to receive traffic violations in their first two years of driving, which drastically reduces what is usually a significantly high number for this age group – driver’s education appears to make a difference in teen traffic outcomes during a time they are highest risk.

Based on this study, driver’s education proves to be significantly important and impactful and the earlier applied, the better.

Distracted driving causes about 3,000 deaths per year, around 280,000 injuries per year, and about 920,000 total accidents per year. Distracted driving is any kind of activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the road when behind the wheel. Distractions can include cell phone use, turning around and even eating. Safe riding practices and safety cooperation from all people on the road will help reduce the number of these fatalities.

Safe driving practices and safety cooperation from all people on the road will help reduce the number of these fatalities. By raising awareness of how drivers can be safer on roads and highways, we can protect all drivers and ensure a reduction in fatalities. Safety awareness begins with understanding that there are precautions that drivers can take, that can ensure saving lives on the road.

One of the first things that drivers can do is to think safety first. This can be accomplished by doing things while driving like leaving plenty of space between your vehicle and others, wearing your seatbelt or protective gear, and avoiding aggressive driving.

Drivers should also be aware of their surroundings and pay attention. Checking mirrors, keeping an eye out for unpredictable drivers, being conscious of your blind spot, staying alert, and keeping your eyes and mind on the road will ensure you are prepared for anything.

Most accidents that result in fatalities involve speed. In order to prevent this, drivers should keep their speed down. Maintaining proper speed, especially for weather conditions, is the responsibility of the driver or motorcyclist. To make allowances for hazardous weather or road conditions, drivers and motorcyclists need to reduce speed and increase stopping distance to accommodate for slippery roads. Driving too fast reduces reaction time, which causes a loss of control and results in the accident. To maintain control of the vehicle or motorcycle, speed must be controlled.

One of the most important things drivers can do to ensure safety is to avoid and cut out distractions. Distractions happen when drivers and motorcyclists pay attention to something else while driving. Driving requires your full attention, so stay completely focused – put down the cell phone, don’t touch the radio, don’t eat, and ensure your passengers know the importance of focused driving as well. Keep focus on the road and put all distractions aside.

When drugs and alcohol are involved, the chances for a deadly accident are greatly increased. Drivers should never operate a car or motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including certain prescription medications. Instead, make sure to let someone else drive or make other arrangements for yourself and others.

Another important act is to pay particularly close attention to surroundings to avoid potholes, uneven surfaces and various other debris that can directly impact vehicles and cause them to lose control. Drivers should always consider the terrain when mapping out their destinations. Also, driving defensively can be helpful as well, because caution ensures protection. Be extra careful at intersections and watch oncoming cars. Remaining in your own lane also ensures safety as well, because it helps to avoid unnecessary risks.

In 2013, my family and I were involved a major car accident in the snow, when we were hit from behind by a truck driven by a distracted driver. I remember it vividly, because we were on the way to school. My sister and I were sitting in the back of the car eating our breakfast and watching a movie, when I remember a sudden slamming sensation and the feeling of being thrown forward. Thankfully, my family and the other driver walked away shaken up, but with minimal harm. This accident could have all been avoided if the other driver had driven at a reduced speed for snowing conditions and paid attention to the road.

Distractions happen when drivers pay attention to something else while driving. I plan on becoming a safer and better driver by staying focused and giving driving my full attention. It all starts with putting down the cell phone, not touching the radio, not eating, and making sure that all of my passengers know the importance of focused driving as well. I’m going to keep my focus on the road and put all distractions aside.

Education and awareness are keys to operating vehicles in order to ensure safety on the roads. I’m going to encourage everyone that I know to take a driver education course. I can help others become a safer driver by sharing what I have learned, along with my best practices. I believe that awareness campaigns are needed to help improve safety on the roads. Creative campaigns are needed on social media, apps, and gaming channels. These awareness campaigns should deliver core messages that remind drivers that one of the most important things drivers can do to ensure safety is to avoid and cut out distractions.

Driving requires that we all follow safety procedures and take the precautions necessary to help reduce fatalities and ensure drivers and passengers are safe on the road. Drivers’ education and awareness campaigns can help drivers learn and become aware of the steps and requirements necessary to be reduce accidents and facilities on the road.