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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – How can we stay safe while driving

Name: Jackie Chheng
From: Lacey, WA, Washington
Votes: 0

How can we stay safe while driving

Teen’s taking driver’s education are less likely to be involved in crashes or to receive a traffic violation during their first two years of driving.It provides Provide defense driving instruction and discussions of accident types and can reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring. Being able to develop the right attitude of driving. They said that you’re more likely to die in a car accident than riding a plane. More people had a higher rate of being in a car accident. The first two years of driving will be the scariest years for you.

Other ways to stay safe while driving is to always keep your hands on the wheel, wear a seatbelt, look right and left for any upcoming drivers, and also use your mirror to stay aware of what’s going on around you. This one time where my uncle’s silver car was on the news back in like 2016 because someone took a huge rock and threw it at the of his car’s window and there were also some pieces of glass down the road for some reason. I’m not really sure why there was glass down the road and I’m still questioning that to this day.

Some steps that I can take to be a better driver would possibly be to follow the speed limit wherever i’m at. Like for example a neighborhood, I would go at least 20 miles since I know there’s gonna be kids around playing so I gotta be cautious about that. Don’t be on your phone because I know how some people can get distracted with their phone and can get into accidents real fast. Never drink and drive, obviously, don’t be driving too fast or swerving past cars because I’m pretty sure you can cause an accident faster that way because people switch lanes a lot. And by swerving past cars, if they turn left and you turn right, you’re gonna get it because you were going fast as well.

Also some things that people should follow can/have to follow would be don’t drive so fast in like neighborhoods cause that’s a really bad Idea. The reason why is because you can cause an accident by hitting someone’s parked car, hitting a person walking across the road etc. Also don’t be racing on straight paths, I get it that it can be fun but what happens when your brakes don’t work during your race, that can be bad for you. I advice people to always drive with caution because driving can be dangerous when your doing something stupid.

One little accident that happened to my parents’ small Lexus car was that they were driving behind a truck with a ton of rocks and other stuff in it and some rocks fell out and hit their front windshield on their car. They don’t wanna get it fixed because they know that it might happen again so there’s really no point getting a new windshield, besides it’s not that big of a crack at all. It’s like a tiny crack on the top corner of the windshield so it’s not making a big deal for them while driving.

There was this one time where my parents Lexus GX 470 engine stopped working so they went over to my grandma’s house (when she was still living in olympia) to try and hotwire the car to start it back up, good thing it worked and it was fun because i get to play outside for a little bit with my brother while they were doing that at the moment. My parents 2016 honda odyssey also has a cracked windshield going a little bit across the whole windshield but it wasn’t because of the rocks from a truck. It was because of how cold or hot it was during that time because the car is parked outside during freezing and hot weather.

There have been some times where my family almost had a car accident because of the cars switching lanes. My mom got mad at my dad for not watching the car switching lanes but me and my brother got mad at her because she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt even sitting in the back and she hit her nose on the driver seat. This isn’t the first time she hasn’t worn her seatbelt sitting in the back of the car. She would get mad at us for yelling at her for telling her to put her seatbelt on when we were trying to make sure she could stay safe.