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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Tips to make driving safety better and what not to do

Name: Alan
From: Lacey, WA
Votes: 0

Tips to make driving safety better and what not to do

I think the important thing in driving that reduces deaths is drinking and driving. People are always going out and drinking with their friends but they don’t try to be safe when they go home or just don’t like it themselves. Another reason i think is people keep speeding and doing stupid stuff on thr road when they are with there freinds mosly at night. What is a good step to improve driving is take driving school so you could learn all the signs and what to do when you’re in a bad position so you don’t have to risk other people lifes when there tryna go to work or be safe at home. One more advice I could give is don’t be looking at your phone or texting when driving so you could be more focused on the road when you could be risking someone’s life when you’re with somebody.Last question ill answer is that i think ive seen alot accidents, Because some people don’t pay attention to other people safety or look out for what there doing. I feel like if people would drive in a good pace and stop doing unsafe things that could cause a crash it would be safer,Also people could just go to a open parking lot and practice go to drive because its not going to be a lot people there as a usually road, You could maybe have more confidence from doing just simple steps when you get older you will probably not be scared or nervous to drive so i recommend just take driving school to when you’re younger.If youre reading this i would want you to take classes when you’re in school if you’re not confidence so you can be taught well and see what to do if you don’t know anything that others that didn’t take it would need to know.Another tip i could give is don’t drive by yourself if you’re young. Because if you take your parents car you all the stuff you shouldn’t have done would go back to them and also make them spend money on the ticket you caused.Also another tip is drive with your parents to someone that’s calm too. Its a way better experience if you drive with someone calm because they would teach you and won’t get you nervous the whole drive but if you wanna learn too you. You should just maybe go to an open empty park and just work on the stuff on what you do in driving school. Just like parallel parking or singing at the perfect areas.One last tip on what not to do is smoking in the car even if you have kids inside too. Because kids could inhale that and makes there lungs take it so it could make the sick also all the stuff could smell the car and i wouldn’t want a kid to always be in the car that always smells like cigarettes This is another tip to drive safe is always single when you turn because some cars would be speeding and they don’t know where you’re gonna turn so i would want everyone who reads this. signal everywhere just to be safe i don’t want you guys spending a lot of money on insurance or its way worse if you don’t have it so i recommend getting that too. But if you want to drive safely just think about good things. So you would have a good mindset because if you overthink about terrible things it could mess you up and make your heart and stuff pound when driving so i would love for y’all to just listen to music in the headphones plus make a playlist so you won’t have to keep switching it.One last thing i think everyone should try to get is a driver license. SO you guys could drive by yourself and be safe while not risking someone’s car or ris yours for not driving with a driver license. Another tip is don’t drink when you’re driving thats the most thing people do that cause death every night people just don’t think about their safety when there going out with friends or don’t do other stuff that could make you pass out so easily that could make you fall asleep faster and risk other people lives on the road.Maybe just try your best at driving that’s all anybody could get better at it at any time just need pratice.