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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Safe Driving

Name: Morgan Schaefer
From: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Driving around in a vehicle is something that most Americans partake on an everyday basis. Unfortunately, because driving is a common thing for most, many times thinking about being safe and following through with taking safety measures sits in the backseat of many people’s minds. Many people take driving for granted and forget about the danger of driving and the responsibility each driver must keep themselves, their passengers, and those around them safe. However, there are many actions that can be taken to prevent the number of deaths and provide a safer experience for those on the road.

One of the easiest and most important ways in which to prevent the number of deaths as a result of driving is to ensure that allow drivers go through drivers education before they get behind the wheel. Drivers’ education provides valuable lessons for new drivers. It is from my own personal experience I know that drivers’ education builds one’s confidence is going behind the wheel because this education allows new drivers to learn about the small details to driving that build one’s ability to understand how to safely drive around while following all the rules and pieces of etiquette that are involved in driving a vehicle. When novice drivers get the proper education before driving a vehicle, they learn important information about the logistics to driving, the laws of the road, and the correct techniques in order to stay safe as an active driver. Many new drivers are unaware of all the elements of the road that they must pay attention to while driving, and drivers’ education allows these drivers to gain a better perspective as to what cautions need to be taken (for example, watching for pedestrians or how to properly go through a round-about). When drivers have a better understanding of these previously mentioned things, they can drive safer and prevent accidents, which, in turns prevents the number of deaths resulting from driving.

Many people have had experiences in car accidents or with irresponsible drivers. I personally have been in one minor car accident in which the car behind the vehicle that I was in ran into the back of my vehicle and cause my vehicle to run into the back of the one in front of me. Although this accident was not severe, it still opened my eyes to the real danger that comes with driving on the road. This has been the only car accident that I have been involved in, and it was a scary experience, but I am thankful that everyone was okay in the situation. I, however, have also been a situation in which a friend has driven irresponsibly. Recently, I rode with a friend to an organization meeting for one of the college clubs that we are both a part of. During the trip, she drove irresponsibly as she was a distracted driver who was engaged with her phone while driving, and she also was driving at least fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit. These are a few of the examples in which I have been involved in a car accident or rode with irresponsible drivers.

There are dangers in driving a vehicle. However, there are measures that I can take to become a safer driver as well at steps that I can take to help others become safer on the road. I personally can continue to ensure that I am not driving distracted by continuing to not look at my phone while I am driving and having the radio volume at an appropriately low level so that it is not to distract me. Being more aware of my surroundings will also allow me to become a safer driver by forcing myself to only think about driving and what is around me instead of allowing my mind to drift off and think of other things while I am behind the wheel. I could also encourage others to drive safer by politely calling it to their attention when they are driving over the speed limit as well as kindly asking them to not partake with action on their phone while I am in the vehicle with them. There are many ways in which to work to not only become a safer driver myself, but also to encourage others to do the same.

Driving comes with many risks and dangers. However, there are many steps that can be taken to not only be aware of the dangers of driving but also to take active measures in making a safer experience on the road for everyone involved.