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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – How I Learned to Drive

Name: Alina Hiatt
From: Provo, Utah
Votes: 0

How I Learned to Drive

I still remember the excitement I felt when my parents signed me up for driver’s ed. I felt so grown up, though I was only fifteen years old. Every day I would sit on the couch, watching the little videos and doing the little quizzes, dreaming of the day when I would be behind the wheel of my own car, dreaming of the freedom this would offer. And then, as I progressed through the course, the seriousness of driving began to sink in. I became afraid as I watched videos about people who had been texting and driving or fallen asleep while driving who had gotten into terrible accidents. Every time I got into a car I began to notice things that were unsafe. I was scared because I knew I would eventually have to drive myself. I began paying close attention to the lessons I was being taught, knowing that they could save my life someday. That is the importance of driver’s ed. It reduces the number of traffic deaths by making teenagers aware of the responsibility they are taking on. It shows teens examples of what could happen if they drive unsafely.

The first time I drove a car, I was in the parking lot of my high school. It was during summer vacation, so no one was there. My mom sat in the passenger seat, coaching me on what to do. I gently eased my foot off the brake and was terrified as the car started moving. My mom gently talked me through what to do, jolting as I turned too sharply or braked too hard. I gradually became more comfortable with the controls, though it took several days. Eventually, my mom let me go out onto the actual road. I was terrified. Every time I saw another car in the distance, I was convinced it was going to hit me or I it. In order to become a better driver, we must first remember the vigilance we had when we first got behind the wheel. We must be constantly aware of our surroundings. We must focus on obeying every law of the road.

Now, I have been fortunate enough to never have been in a car accident. Unfortunately though, my paternal grandfather has. He used to be an avid cyclist and would ride his bicycle to work every day. He has been hit by a car on three separate occasions, at least one of which was because the driver of the car was texting while they were driving. Now, texting and driving is illegal in many places, but it still continues to be an issue. Many accidents and driving deaths can be prevented by vigilantly enforcing laws against texting and driving.

My father has owned and ridden a motorcycle since I was about ten or eleven years old. I have ridden on the back of his motorcycle multiple times. I still remember the day that my father was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. Luckily, he was not seriously injured, but the motorcycle was totaled. He had been hit by a teenage driver who had not seen him before they turned. Later, I was watching a television show that mentioned that drivers sometimes do not notice when there is a motorcyclist near them. One step that I have taken to become a better driver is to always be on the lookout for motorcyclists and bicyclists. I also tell other people the stories about my father and grandfather to help them be better drivers.

My maternal grandmother has been an example of how not to drive for me. She frequently passes illegally or does not pay attention to her surroundings. My mom grew up seeing this, and since then has always been careful about passing other cars. She also instilled this caution into my sister and me. I have been fortunate enough to have a mother who is a very aware and cautious driver, because she was able to teach me how to drive like her.

I have several friends who like to drive as fast as possible. They think nothing of going thirty or even forty miles above the speed limit. They will go out and race on the country roads. I have also heard them tell stories about being pulled over and getting tickets. I have never been pulled over, and I hope to never be pulled over. Seeing the bad examples of my peers has helped me to be a better driver, and I hope that seeing my good example will help them to be better drivers.