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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Eliza Alfonso
From: Palatine, Illinois
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

Deaths as a result of driving are unfortunately too common. Fortunately, high schools require all students to take a drivers education course as a graduation requirement. Knowing this, I think there is great importance in requiring driver education to all beginning drivers. Driving is something that a person cannot use common sense with, but needs to be informed about the rules of the road and what to expect on the road. Driver education is a necessary education course that all students should be present for because given that privilege to be in control of such a powerful and deadly weapon, teenagers and adults need to know the proper procedures.

Accidents are inevitable when it comes to driving, but accidents that are caused by drunk drivers or irresponsible drivers are definitely preventable. Steps that can be implemented to reduce the number of driving-related deaths are required sessions to review the rules of the road and to show the catastrophes and consequences that are caused by irresponsible drivers. I do think that being actively exposed to the material that driver education covers on a weekly or monthly basis could keep people always aware of how to be safe on the road. Having the rules of the road in the back of one’s head and having a defensive mindset can reduce the numbers of deaths on the road. When people are constantly switching lanes or speeding then aggressively braking are a big cause of accidents because those cars are unpredictable to other drivers. Another step that can be beneficial is to really expose what can happen to the irresponsible driver and/or other innocent drivers when a tragic accident occurs. The rules of the road need to be more enforced, so people who would think that driving home drunk or recklessly is okay will think again.

I have seen a few of my friends drive irresponsibly numerous times. For one specific friend, I have noticed that she is a more aggressive driver and she can easily be irritated by slow drivers. She tends to switch lanes a lot to get ahead of others and my friend brakes rather later than usual and brakes pretty hard. The problem with braking at the last second is that the car behind will also have to brake hard because there is no warning. One second she is driving at high speeds and the next she is at a complete stop. The car behind has no time to react and no time to steadily brake. The issue with constantly switching lanes is that the driver is not leaving them much time to keep checking their blind spot, so they might unintentionally crash into another car that is in their blind spot. Other cars might also feel prohibited to speed up because the car, without warning, might switch into their lane. Although I have never been in this type of accident before, I do hear and see that a lot of accidents happen in busy intersections. With the amount of cars driving through the intersection at once, accidents are bound to happen because some cars might not know if they are allowed to go or not. Cars may be inpatient especially if the car in front of them is allowed to go, but they do not move. Accidents also happen when a car does attempt to cross the intersection, but they were not supposed to go. Nevertheless, intersections are the places where accidents unfortunately occur.

I can be a better driver by being a more defensive driver. I tend to want to get to my destination as quickly as possible, but with that mindset, I am more vulnerable to the different hazards on the road. A quick change in mindset and being more conscious about my surroundings will lead me to being a better driver. Another thing I can do to become a more responsible driver is having a refresher of the basic procedures and safety precautions that I learned in drivers education. Easily being more aware of other cars’ maneuvers and anticipating hazards can really help keep other drivers and myself safer on the roads. Kids playing in the driveway or people walking their dogs can seem harmless, but one ball in the street can cause chaos. Knowing whether to brake or swerve is key in these types of situations and others like if an animal runs into the street. Driver education can prepare beginning and longtime drivers for these kinds of situations because they inform us about what we are supposed to do when we only have a split second to decide on our next step. Driver education is so important because it can help reduce the number of deaths related to driving and overall build the confidence of drivers.