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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driving Safe

Name: Katerina Lesane
From: Fayetteville, NC
Votes: 0

Driving Safe

When driving in today world, it is important to fully understand how to drive. Driving is a blessing but if done wrongly it can also cause so much pain to others. Driver education is one step to fully understanding on how to drive. A lot of people think to themselves, “Well driving is just pressing the gas and brake and knowing when to stop” Which that may be true, but so much goes into driving. You should never build a house with no idea what to do, same with driving. You should never drive without knowing the rules. Driver education helps teach young and older people how to drive. You learn about the different signs, the signals, what the speed limits are, what the lines on the road mean, and so much. Learning to drive isn’t going to take a lifelong plan, just two hours at the most. If you proceed on the road with no knowledge of the rules and the signs, you are not only putting yourself in danger, but the lives of others are at risk as well. Thousands of people get in wreck each day and hundreds of people die from them. Sure, anyone can press the gas petal and brake petal, but how would you feel, that your little sister or grandma got in a wreck because someone didn’t know the red 8-sided octagon with no words on it meant to stop. I know at least two people in my family who was in a wreck and both was bad. One wreck happened to my grandmother. Driving the speed limit, while someone else wasn’t. Crashed and my grandmother was soon in the hospital. Another wreck happened to my grandpa, and he was the one who was speeding. He lost control of his vehicle and was on the verge of death multiple times. Thankfully both of my grandparents pulled through, but thousands of people don’t get that blessing. Driving a vehicle is no joke, people die from, kids die from irrational driving. Driving safe is not only saves others, but its safes you as well. A couple of steps that can be taken to avoid ruining someone else life is first learn the road and the rules that follow behind it. You can take classes, read books, or join an online club design to help people know the rules of the road. Second, don’t rush to get on the road if you are unsure about driving. Empty parking lots are great practice if you want to learn how to reverse or drive without the fear of hitting cars nearby. Thirdly, if fear of driving still strikes you, ask an adult with a license for more than 5 years to help assist you. Driving is scary, but driving along afraid is even scarier. Finally, breath and remember the rules. When we get scared, we tend to either freeze up, forget to breath, or isn’t focus. If you breath and focus on what’s in front of you, then you should be good. Being a safe driver is the biggest thing the world needs. It’s easy to get distracted my friends or family in the car or even technology. Here are some steps to incorporate in your safely driving. We get so lost in our phones that something it forget to separate that from driving. I suggest when you get in car have your keys, money, and phone in one location so you know where it is, but you don’t have to be tempted to touch or even look at it while driving. Music, we all love it, so why not choose a song or playlist before we start driving. Now I get it, sometimes we have people in the car and sometimes they can be loud. If they are distracting your driving talk to them and if they don’t listen, sometimes it’s best if they just don’t ride in the vehicle with you. When the driver is distracted, the world isn’t a safe place. No one should lose their lives because an inconsiderate driving thought they was above everyone else. Distractions happens a lot and sometimes they are out of our control, like anything happening outside the vehicle, we can’t control that, but we can control the inside of our cars. Driving is a wonderful thing, but it shouldn’t be the worst thing. People die from cars every day, maybe with these steps I gave you, it can be reduced. Help keep people safe and drive responsibly.