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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Dangers of Being Uninformed

Name: Makayla Walters
From: Homestead , Florida
Votes: 0

The Dangers of Being Uninformed

“Safety brings first aid to the uninjured.” said by F. S. Hughes. There may seem to be no real value in attending driver’s education regarding driving on the road. Many young adults in this generation say that “It’s not necessary to go through a driving course to drive.” However, this is not the case. The driving skills you gain as well as the information you learn from the driver’s education course go hand in hand. In other words, while driving you can’t have one without the other because it is unsafe. The importance of driver education in preventing deadly car accidents and future traffic fatalities cannot be overstated.

Seat belt use, maintaining proper car conditions, and observing speed limits are all factors that contribute to safe driving and are taught in the driver’s course. In the event that you do not observe the speed limit, fail to pay attention to the road, or consume illegal substances while driving, you may suffer fatal consequences. Driver education is here to help teach and guide us to drive safe on the public road. Not only is driver’s education important, but it is also the first step you need to take before you’re able to drive safely on the road. “Baseball is like driving, it’s the one who gets home safely that counts.” said by Tommy Lasorda.

I will never forget April 10, 2021, a day that changed my life forever. It was the day I was involved in my first car accident which was fatal. Although I was well aware of the casualty’s possible mental illness, based on his behavior prior to the accident, I initially believed it was my fault. Apparently, succumbing to his intrusive thoughts, a young man ran into the traffic and was hit by my car. He was pronounced dead on the spot by the police and medical team who were called to the scene. His lifeless body draped across the hood of my car with his face turned towards the street. My body and mind was numb which made it challenging to make sense of what transpired. Although, this wasn’t my fault this is a prime example of what can happen when not paying attention to your surroundings when on the road.

Not only did I get into a car accident, but so did my mom during the same year. I remember when I was sound asleep in my room and my mom ran in full speed with blood on her face and hands into my room. I didn’t know what to do and what was going on. All she said was “please help me, I don’t want to go to jail.” Soon after a police officer came knocking on the door and I was informed that my mom had crashed into a tree near our neighborhood. I was in shock but I remained calm. And gave the police officer the information that was needed. Afterwards once the police left my mom told me everything that had transpired. Although she knew that driving under the influence isn’t safe, she thought she was okay because she did not consume a large amount of alcohol. Moreover, she was driving slightly above the speed limit, another indication of unsafe driving. I learned from the driver’s education that you should never have something under the driver seat because it can lead to a fatal car accident. Which in my mom’s case that’s what happened. She tried turning into the neighborhood and her purse slid under her brake pedal. She couldn’t stop or slow down, so she ran full speed into the tree. She could have died. She hit the tree so hard that her whole body was in the passenger seat with the seat belt on, and the car was totaled. This is an example of what a series of different violations you make on the road can cause.

Despite the fact that we may not be able to prevent all fatalities, we are most likely to be able to prevent most of them. By understanding the rules and regulations when driving. Learning that your friends can wait is a very good skill, and if you can’t ignore your notifications to put your phone on silent. Because all distractions on the road may lead to a car accident. Researchers found that driver education reduces crashes and traffic violations dramatically among new drivers based on a study of more than 150,000 teens over an eight-year period. Which why driver’s education is essential and also a great way to prevent more crashes.