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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Its not fun its real.

Name: Sophia B Cantu
From: McAllen, Texas
Votes: 0

Its not fun its real.

Many may need help understanding the true importance of a driver having an education on how to drive. Many would find it silly, or would even state “why do I need to know the roads you just have to drive” a quote stated by my cousin many times until the day she was almost not ever able to say that again.

That is the very reason why the importance of a driver’s education is necessary to be implemented in all drivers. In just the state of Texas alone this year 2022 around 3,000 people, have died in car accidents. During my time of research, a majority of car accidents are either due to drunk driving, drugs, feeling fatigued, disregarding traffic signals or traffic, people cutting each other off during traffic due to having the thought that if one gets in the other way they will move, having phycological distractions such as having thoughts of stress, or their own personal life, or even just life taking its toll of a person just looking away for a split second. These are all factors that occur during a majority of car accidents. They may not be intentional because of course no one wants to create a car accident and have someone lose their life due to their own ignorance. Some would find that many fatal car accidents are the fault of young teenagers because just like many teens are able to get their license when they are eighteen, even younger with parental consent but even being eighteen or being warned to be cautious while driving most teens to want to listen. All these factors are the exact reason as to why drivers education is so important adults and young people need to learn to obey all the traffic laws, recognize every sign, be cautious of their surroundings and to make them understand that it is not only their life that is in danger, it is others as well the effect of their own actions affects other ten times more.

To reduce or prevent the number of driving deaths, during the time that a driver is being taught to drive, teachers or the school should not go around the bush, or sugar coat lot of the dangers of both what happens on the road and what the drivers are doing such as drinking or doing drugs, the schools should teach their students the effects of these very harmful one-moment decisions, or at certain ages such as the age of 25, 40, 50, 65 etc every driver should get retested on not just driving around a small neighborhood but to go on the highway, drive around the cities. Since it is not only teenagers that are the main cause of fatal car accidents but also elderly people as well. Some elderly people no longer look in the mirror because they forget or they just no longer care and just choose to drive, which can prove to be very dangerous.

I have had my own fair share of experiences with car accidents (not my own but by family members), one being my mother when I was six, she had got into a really serious car accident. When it was her turn to pass another lady was driving and had passed the red light hitting my mother and making her car also flip over. Begin so young and hearing your mom was in a car accident, and not understanding what happened until seeing my mother lying in the hospital bed, with a sling on her arm, bruises all over, and cuts, can make an impact. I was in fear that I was going to lose my mother all because of someone else, benign filled with anger, fear, sadness, and overall wishing that I could have been there so I could endure the impact instead of her. These are all feelings that a child that young should never feel.

I find that no one is perfect, there is no such thing as a perfectly safe driver, and even the safest people on the planet get hurt the most. The only thing to do to become a safer driver while driving is practicing, both by the books such as practicing on recognize all the signs, and signals, creating situations that may occur such as what to do when a child suddenly on the road, teaching one’s own self to always be cautious of their surroundings. Teaching one’s own self to always be safe rather than sorry.

When driving one needs to understand it is not only the driving it is many other individuals, with families, children who need them, and people who love them. One needs to understand and consider that it won’t only be the actions that affect them but it will affect others. To understand that playing around with a car is just like playing with life, it may be fun for a moment but in a second that moment can last a lifetime of sadness, pain, regret, and guilt. No one can come back from death but one can always avoid it. So one needs to understand that learning about the extra parts of driving is not just a boring part being forced on them for no reason, but it’s to ensure the safety of others and oneself. A car is not just a way for transportation, but can also act as a deadly device when not used properly because a second can last forever.