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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driving Not So Fast&Furious

Name: Ruby Swogger
From: Lehi, Utah
Votes: 0

Driving Not So Fast&Furious

It is absolutely crucial to educate drivers on how to properly stay safe on the road. It does not only lower their chances of getting into a car accident and staying safe, but also keeping others safe as well. Not everyone on the road with a license should be able to drive, and it really shows; in a recent study it is shown that 98% of car crashes in the United States are caused by human error. Whether that error is just being on your phone, other distractions around you or in the car, or just simply not fully understanding the essential rules of the road.

Further educating ourselves and the people surrounding us about driving is one of the best ways to avoid unnecessary death. More than 46,000 people die in car crashes each year, according to Annual United States Road Crash Statistics. Now some of those deaths are completely unavoidable and death is sometimes inevitable. But that does not mean that so many of those deaths have to occur. Just by learning a little more about driving will make the roads safer for everyone. People who are driving and know what they are doing and confident in their skills are a lot less likely to make an error and not only endanger themselves while they drive, but everyone else on the road around them.

I think that a good step to reduce the number of deaths in car accidents is implementing the no phone policy more. Research from NHTSA tells us that 23% of car crashes are due to phone use; that is around 400 fatal crashes a year. There are certain devices that insurances can use and place on a car allowing them to track your driving, these are called insurance trackers. These devices permit them to see your speed, braking, and mileage. There could be a device made and placed into cars that also allows them to see if you went on your phone during travel. Following the rules of not being on a cellphone while driving could earn you certain rewards. It could earn you a reward such as a discount on insurance or car registration; because by following this and proving it shows that you are already a safer driver than some. I also firmly believe that there needs to be a stricter punishment for getting pulled over for a DUI. I actually have experience when it comes to this certain issue. I had an Aunt that crashed into someone while drunk last month. And while no one got hurt all she did was spend the night in jail then got her car back the next day; and I think that is utterly ridiculous. Could you imagine if someone you knew or even yourself got hit by a drunk driver and then the very next day that person got their car back and pretty much just walked away free? There need to be stricter laws when it comes to DUIs. There is a suspension of 120 day license suspension but how do you even know if that person will follow that punishment? And I personally do not think that 120 days is enough, I think that when charged with a DUI you have your license taken away for a minimum of 1 year. Also being strict to follow up and make sure that people charged with a DUI stay off the roads, and that they will not get their cars back the next day putting others lives at risk. I also think that roads need to be better taken care of. People driving on less used roads or more poorly taken care of can be so extremely dangerous for everyone in that area. There needs to be more of an upkeep on road conditions; making sure that blind curves or highways have barriers, could very well save lives.

I have had a family member drive irresponsibly, crash her car, and get charged with a DUI; I also have a really close friend that got into an accident recently. One of my very best friends Lauren Bradshaw got into a car accident this last month and did not make it. Making sure that people are safe driving is one of the most important things to me. I do not wish to have that kind of experience of loss to anyone. By just taking simple precautions could save so many lives and ensure so many people’s futures.

Whenever I am in a car, whether I am driving or not, make sure that everyone is buckled before we leave. According to in just 2017 seatbelts saved 15,000 lives. It may not be a huge thing to help safer driving but it could very well save a life. Following the speed limit is another simple thing that makes everyone safer. The very top cause of fatal car crashes is in fact speeding. When people are driving too fast it just does not give enough reaction time to something that happens on the road. Following at a safe distance and checking your surroundings and mirrors could also assist you in avoiding an accident. Another way I stay safe driving is knowing how to drive in different conditions; and also knowing when it just isn’t safe to drive. As pestering as it might seem, telling the people close to you to make sure that they’re driving safely and following all of these simple things can make a big difference and make you a better driver. And while they may be a lot of simple things, that’s what accidents are usually caused by, just not paying attention to the little things. So it may seem like you’re not doing a lot by following simple rules, but it’s a big step that makes you a better, safer driver; not only putting yourself less at risk, but the others around you as well.