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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Ryan Lewis
From: Diamond Bar, CA
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Education

In regards to driver’s education, many things come into play. In order to keep everyone safer on the road, certain steps need to be made. For instance, staying off cell phones, being aware of surroundings, music at a low volume, and staying sober, especially on the road, are just a few examples of driver safety. There are casualties that could easily be avoided by following a few easy steps. One, realize you are responsible for everyone in your car. Two, you have control on how focused you are while driving. Three, never drive under the influence. In this essay, I will cover how to drive responsibly, and the steps in order to achieve this.

Many times, reckless driving can result in casualties. The number of deaths, as is stated on the dmv website, is “34,000 people per year.” These deaths can be significantly lowered with the proper use of driver’s education. Driver’s education plays such a vital role because everyone on the road needs to be on the same page. For example, if you are running a football team’s offense and just one person is not aware of what their job is, it can result in catastrophe for the entire team. Likewise, having everyone on the road abiding by the same rules will lead to the safest drives possible. Knowing everyone on the road, along with you, has gone through the same training can be comforting. As you might know, rules are broken constantly. Drivers can become easily distracted, which can cause confusion, panic, or anxiety. Sometimes, the driver may even feel all of this at once. As a result, countless lives are constantly jeopardized.

Everytime you start driving, there should be certain safety steps in your mind. Your phone should stay off. There should not be a need to risk yours and others lives, for a simple text. As you know, it can be very easy to zone out while driving. I know from experience, that autopilot, while driving, happens more than I’d like to admit. An easy way to keep others safe, while being aware of your surroundings, is to be attentive to the cars around you. It will help you not to zone out, while being aware of the road ahead. Another thing that has been an obvious distraction on the road, is the loud music. Driving with music can be fun, but at a certain volume the music can consume you and be a major distraction. Keeping music at a minimum will help keep everyone safer. Lastly, driving under any influence is incredibly dangerous. Whether that’s driving while high or just buzzed, getting behind the wheel in those conditions can be suicidal. Not to mention, half the DUI accidents result in the drunk driver killing innocent people. According to the United States Department of Transportation, “About 30% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers.” Countless lives could be saved by just driving responsibly.

Many of us have either been in a car accident, have witnessed one, or known someone close to us who has. Personally, while being in highschool, I have witnessed many a car accident among my older siblings and high school peers. I can recall being side swiped while in a car with my siblings and aunt. I was only about seven, but it still had a lasting effect. It could have easily been avoided with proper driver education. From this experience I have learned that you can not always control what others may do, but you can control your surroundings. In drivers education you learn to always be attentive while driving. Knowing what is happening around you and how to handle different scenarios can prevent major and minor fender benders. If we are to trust another one the road more effectively then we must learn how to better our personal awareness. I can say for myself I would be much more comfortable on the road if others cared for the drivers around them more and drove more responsibly.

In conclusion, driver’s education needs to be taken more seriously in order to save more lives. No more casualties need to occur due to lack of judgment and irresponsibility. There are so many easy ways to maintain safety while driving. For instance, focusing on the road, being aware of your surroundings, and never driving under the influence, can be crucial. By following these simple guidelines, you can create good habits that can also cause responsible driving to become second nature.