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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Drivers Ed Essay Contest

Name: Kanya Ryles
From: Aberdeen, Maryland
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Essay Contest

I recently attended a driving school called “Best Choice Driving School,” where I learned about signs, parking, driving, how to operate many car functions and much more. Most importantly, we learned how to be safe while driving. One day, my instructor played this video in which these teenagers decide to go to a party. They decided to drink and just have fun at the party. After drinking at the party, they decided to leave and drive home. However, one of the friends did not drink as much as suggested for them not drive home and asked someone else to drive them home. However, the other drunk friends suggested otherwise, and the non-drunk friend simply went along with it. They got in the car and drove home when all they could remember was being on a dark road and later being off the road in a ditch. They were severely injured, and one of their friends died as a result of not wearing their seatbelts. Had the teens in the video knew about driver education and took it seriously they could have prevented this whole situation. Which is why teen deaths and just deaths in general are so important to help be reduced because people are really losing their life over poor decisions. Every life counts in this world. Families and friends shouldn’t have to suffer and deal with the pain of their love one being taken away from them because people couldn’t follow the rules of the road or aren’t educated enough about them.

Yes, just because driver education is taught and provided doesn’t mean an induvial won’t end up in accident or severely injured, but it can have a greater impact if it’s out there and at least being listened too even if not practiced all the time. Information is always better than no education any day. Since that video was so traumatic but realistic, I decided not to drink while driving, especially when there’s passengers present in the vehicle. I pledged to always wear my seatbelt in the car. People don’t believe things until it happens to them, and they regret it or until they physically see it, whether in person or through a video. Teaching people how to properly and safely drive allows them to be aware of all the risks that exist when they get behind the wheel. It will teach younger drivers how to properly drive as time goes on. Reveal to others that age doesn’t mean everything when driving because there are people who get in accidents at older ages. Which allows older adults to know that they aren’t excluded from driver education and should be practicing it. Especially so that younger drivers can have good role models when it comes to driving and being presented in driver’s vehicles.

When I was younger, I was driving home with my family at night when I heard a loud noise and my parent’s had to stop the car because the people behind us had rear-ended us. They did this because they were tailgating us and ran into the back of my parents’ car when they braked. It’s a good thing no one in the car was seriously hurt, because that would have been something my family and the people who hit us would have remember for the rest of their lives. So, I’ll pay attention to people who are tailgating me and move into another lane, as well as always making sure that passengers in my car are wearing seatbelts and reminding them to do so when they drive.

Not too long ago I was in the car with a group of friends. My friend was driving us home from school because we don’t take the bus as much. While my friend was driving, he started speeding fast when the speed limit was forty miles per hour. At that time, I instantly put my seatbelt on and when I did so I turned and seen that my other friend reciprocated what I did. Which just shows also how driver education influences decisions that can impact others because if I had not put on my seatbelt my friend without hadn’t did the same. In that moment if we did get in a car accident, I would have known that I unintentionally helped someone just by following the rules when driving and knowing the rules to do so. Therefore, to reduce deaths when driving or being a passenger driving education is most important in saving the lives of many.