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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driving

Name: Megan Crawford
From: Springfield, Missouri
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving

Driving is not an easy thing but it is very important, nowadays everything is so far away that we need to get to. With the advance of technology we are able to travel further with vehicles as well as looking at the way that time moves so quickly we are required to drive and we have to have a license to drive. There are a lot of different things to think about when driving and when starting to drive. Some people don’t understand the importance of knowing how to drive and knowing the rules of the road. The importance of driver education is huge. Studies show that someone that doesn’t take a drivers education class is 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident compared to those that have taken a drivers education class. To have someone to teach kids the knowledge of driving at home is not always available to everyone. There are a lot of kids that don’t have parents and that don’t have older siblings that are able to help teach them things like safe driving. If someone gets behind a wheel and doesn’t know anything about how to drive a vehicle you can already account for an accident to happen. If someone gets behind the wheel of a vehicle and knows a little bit about driving and how the vehicle works then there is hope that the student would be able to learn how to drive correctly and responsibly.

The number of deaths would go down if everyone that was coming of age to drive had the knowledge about how vehicles work and how to drive them properly. I think that putting drivers Ed in schools and providing free drivers ed lessons would help kids to better learn how to drive responsibly and correctly. There are a lot of people that would volunteer their time and effort and knowledge to help kids to learn to be better drivers. I think that taking a driving class should be required before going and taking the driving test to get your license. Another thing that would help drivers be more responsible and to be safer would be if they were a little more strict on the passing score to get your license. As well as making the score higher and putting a limit on how many times you can take the permit test that allows you to drive with a permit. If it were made just a little bit more difficult to drive then people would pay more attention to how they are driving and their surroundings then they would their phones or the people that are in the car with them.

I have never been in a car accident but I have experienced many of my friends and family members driving irresponsibly. I have witnessed arguments while driving which takes away from your focus on the road. I have also witnessed people driving under the influence but I was unable to drive at that time making it illegal to drive them home. Another thing that I have witnessed was texting and driving or just being on their phones while driving.

Some things that I can do is always make sure that my phone is down, nothing is as important as getting to your destination safely and then checking texts and direct messages and calling people back when you get to where you are going. Another thing that I can do is to make sure I get an ample amount of sleep before I get behind the wheel. Another thing that can be done if I see someone that is under the influence is that I could give them a ride to where they are going to avoid them being on the road and driving while under the influence. Another thing to keep me and others that are in my vehicle safe would be to make sure we are wearing our seatbelts and making sure that we are being safe in the vehicle. Another step that can be taken is to be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to everything going on around you. Make sure that you are always driving the speed limit or even a little bit under to ensure your safety and the safety of those that are around you. When driving a vehicle make sure that you aren’t following behind someone else too closely, if you are following too closely it gives you less time to react if something happens and they have to slam on their brakes or if they get into an accident.

In conclusion, we should all be taking a class before getting our license, we should be following all the rules of the road, and we should make sure that we are thinking about others safety and our safety when we get into the driver seat of the vehicle. Learning about driving is something that should be something that is required before taking a driving test. There would be less people hurt if people were to take advantage of their resources and learn more about driving before they get behind the wheel of a car.