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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Road Safety For All

Name: Lillianna Smith
From: Indianapolis, IN
Votes: 0

Road Safety For All

Two hundred thirty-eight million two hundred thousand individuals within the United States have gone through the process and successfully earned their drivers licenses, finally earning the freedom of going wherever they want whenever they want. Yet, thirty four thousand individuals die in car related incidents every year strictly within the United States.

Thirty four thousand individuals, your mom, your dad, your grandparents, your siblings, your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your nieces,your nephews, your children, your friends all just trying to get somewhere. You may think it’s no big deal, they are just driving somewhere, but thirty four thousand individuals die in car related incidents each year in the United States alone. The people that have taken care of you and have been there for you every step of the way one day could just not make it to their destination. But why? Everyone driving should be capable of following the rules of the road and avoid accidents as they have their licenses, right?

The seven main reasons for car accidents are speeding, drunk driving, distractions, cell phones, weather, incorrect use of redlights, and drivers fatigue. Most of which are personal decisions by the driver. Drivers are choosing to not only put themselves at risk, but to put others at risk also. Do you really need to get somewhere two minutes faster? Do you really need to text your bestie the current drama at this very moment? Do you really need to be trying to get ready while driving? Do you need to go out and party without a designated driving plan home? Did you need to stay up watching tiktok all night? The answer to all of these questions is no. There are ways to avoid all of these situations, yet people are willing to put their lives and other lives at risk.

When people pursue getting their driver’s license they should pursue a drivers education course to properly be informed of the dangers of the road and correctly know the rules of the road. People need to get it in their head the impact they have on others. By simply checking your phone you could take someone’s sister, mother, daughter, wife, cousin, friend, auntie because you couldn’t wait five minutes to respond to someone’s meme. Does that make you feel crazy that you would ever even consider checking your phone while driving, because it should.

Every student should have to sit through a presentation that pulls at their emotions every year regarding the importance of safe driving just as they have students sit through anti-smoking presentations. By doing so it should get in their head the importance of safe driving. When I was young I had seen the aftermath of a very severe car accident that no one had lived through and it has permanently engraved into my mind the importance of safe driving, this is why I believe this strategy should work to improve people’s driving and reduce deaths on the road.

I am sure we all have that individual in our life that we doubt all of their decisions. For me this is a close family member, he has made many dangerous decisions. When he drives he is doing a hundred different things wrong including: playing a game on his cell phone, using incorrect hand placement, constantly slamming on the brakes, texting, speeding, and more. He has never experienced anything that has gotten the importance of safe driving into his mind and now we have yet another dangerous driver on the road because of it.

To become a better driver individuals need to be better prepared in all other aspects of their lives. For instance, getting up earlier so that there isn’t speeding to get to work and that there isn’t a need to try and do a full face of makeup while driving. If people realized the importance of safe driving they would strive to be more prepared and not sleep another fifteen minutes, because they know they can just get ready in the car and speed there.

If you are a part of the two hundred thirty eight point two million individuals within the United States with their license think about the impact you have on others lives. Think about how it feels to lose someone or something important to you and how you could easily prevent it by simply recognizing the importance of paying attention to the road and doing so. Next time you think you need to answer a text, redo your lipstick, speeding, or being intoxicated while driving, don’t!