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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Important reminders of dangers and Rules of the Road

Name: Abigail Bregenzer
From: Clifton Park, New York
Votes: 0

Important reminders of dangers and Rules of the Road

Although I was very excited along with my friends to get my driver’s license, my parents taught me that driving a car or motor vehicle is a privilege and not a right. They are very strict about this privilege, and I paid for my own car insurance and gas and half of the car I have through money I saved while working. I also carry a 4.0gpa, so I am proud of myself for being able to do this when many of my friends didn’t pay anything for their car.

Before driving, one of the requirements my parents made me agree to was to take a five hour defensive driving course as well as practice driving with a professional student driving company. My father had to do this when he was my age, and said it was important that I do as well. It was a great experience, and I am glad that I did this was very beneficial in teaching me the dangers of the road, and its common mistakes people make. I also learned how only a small error in judgement could be fatal. Some thing as a little as reaching down to the floor on the car or staring down at a cellphone. Therefore, I realized how important it truly was to be cautious and defensive while driving.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce the number of deaths related to driving while practicing caution. One of the most important things to do is always be aware of your surroundings. This can include anything from using and adjusting your mirrors and cameras, to turning around seeing what is next or behind one and their car (especially in the blind spot). Also, not assuming someone who has a blinker or turn signal is necessarily meaning they will turn, as this could be an accident, and instead continues to drive straight and could cause a collision. Sometimes being the median of the road is important too in waiting for traffic to clear before trying to merge into the main traffic. The weather is also important. Living in the Northeast presents a host of concerns when it comes to driving. Sometimes black ice, snow or even heavy rain can create havoc on traffic and driving safely. One thing my father told be careful about is hydroplaning. This is when a car is not touching the ground and no contact and can spin out of control. Another technique to follow is the 3 second rule, or the tire rule. This is when a car is at least 3 seconds behind the one in front.

Before starting or turning on a car, there are safety precautions that should be adhered. One should also ensure that the mirrors are in alignment with view. The seatbelts should be securely fastened to all inside of the car. Tires should also be checked for appropriate air pressure etc. Music, cellphones, and other distractions should be kept at a low volume or out of reach too and one should always follow the posted speed limits. Another important rule is to follow street signs and lights as well as the dashed, dotted or solid lines. Sometimes traveling on a highway can be especially dangerous, so following these rules are extra important. The most important rule is to never consume or be in a vehicle with a driver, who has consumed any alcohol or controlled substances. This includes marijuana and when the law passed to legalize this, it concerned me.

There have been occasions when friends are driving their cars and have not obeyed some of the aforementioned rules. This has sometimes created some anxiety and frustration and the driver of the vehicle has been told to discontinue any distractions. One of my friend’s siblings was involved in a small accident. Nobody was injured, only the car sustained damage. There was a snow and ice storm that has taken place a day before and my friend’s sibling drove the next day but went faster than the posted speed limit. Because of this, the car slid and hit a telephone poll. Fortunately, the car sustained only little damage but was an important lesson to learn.

Some thing I can do to be a better driver is to practice these rules and be cautious. I also wanted to know that the driver of any vehicle I am in, is also safe and I will not be in a car when I feel uncomfortable. My parents said they would pick me up at any time. Also, having a discussion with the driver to ensure I trust their driving is critical.