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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Safe Driving: It Only Takes A Second

Name: Aliyah Scown
From: Boise , Idaho
Votes: 0

Safe Driving: It Only Takes A Second

Driving is a very crucial and important part of life. People drive on a daily basis, and they drive many places on a daily basis. However, it is even more important and crucial that people drive safely. There are around 19,000 car crashes that happen daily in the world. It is not worth losing a life or many lives over just trying to get to work on time and speeding, or dancing in the car with your friends and not paying attention. Many of these crashes can be prevented by just following a few simple procedures. One of these procedures is to always use your resources. One of the main resources you have while in a car is your mirrors. They are extremely important because they allow you too see behind you and see cars in other lanes. When you are switching lanes, you will really want to use them. I have learned from driving that you can never assume; you must always look before switching lanes and before turning on any road. Another important factor and resource you should always be using is the seatbelt. This is without a doubt, the most important part of a vehicle. Even though there have been a significant number of crashes a day a seatbelt has protected around 15,000 out of the 19,000. If all it takes is putting on a strap to save your life, why not use it? Even though many crashes happen because of reckless driving and how you are driving physically, crashes can also happen based on how you are feeling mentally.

Recently my dad was in a pretty bad car accident. However, he did not wreck with other cars, it was simply just himself. He was stressed out and overthinking while he was driving to work. He blew right through a stop sign into an opened field area. Unfortunately, it ended with him flipping his PT Cruiser over three times. Luckily, the most damage it caused to his body was one broken rib, the car on the other hand, was totaled. He was lucky that he lived through the accident, and the reason he did, was because he was wearing his seatbelt. This is another example of how a seatbelt can save your life. This story also comes to show that even though you should be very cautious whilst driving in the first place, you should also listen to your head and if you are not in the right headspace to drive, you shouldn’t. Mental health can play a big role in car crashes as well. This is why you are told not to drive if you are sad or angry, etc. It can become a life-threatening distraction. It really puts into perspective how easily a live can be lost due to driving.

Something that is also important to remember when driving is to be aware of the different weather conditions. I recently drove in the snow for the first time, and honestly, I was nervous. It is very different than driving on a regular sunny day. I could only drive about half of what the speed limit sign told me, and I had to be very careful and cautious while I was braking. This experience really helped to show me that driving is no joke. It proves that you have to pay very close attention to not only how you are driving, but also how others are driving around you, because with one reckless move in this kind of weather could cost you a life.

Driving can be fun especially for new drivers, I know it was for me. However, you can’t forget about the most important aspect that comes along with driving which is safety. It is easy to forget about and become very lenient while driving. For example, beginning to drive with one hand instead of two, turning your music up louder than you used to, maybe glancing at your phone just for a split second, because nothing will happen. The truth is, it only takes a second for something bad to happen while on the road. If I said I wasn’t guilty of any of these, I would be lying. However, after my dad’s accident it changed my view. I realized that those little things are not worth it. I also realized that my dad got extremely lucky and there are many people that wouldn’t have lived through that, and it is not worth the risk. Overall, even though driving can be fun, jump into the drivers seat with caution and always make sure you are making the right decisions as you go on the road.