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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Sides of things

Name: beeplop poudel
From: cincinnati , ohio
Votes: 0

Sides of things

Do you recall the pleasure of getting your driver’s license? Oh, the freedom. The big deal of it all! Remember that time you spend practicing to get your license? How did you feel when passed the test and got what you wanted for so long? I was in high school when I wanted my license to be able to drive. When I was 15 and a half I got my learner’s permit. Nowadays teens are required to take some form of Driver’s Education Course before acquiring their license. So I took drive ED classes and got my license at 16 years of age. I was super happy but more than happy I was sad because up until that point I only saw the good end of operating a vehicle not having considered the other part of operating a vehicle, there is always a bad side and a good side. As to why I was sad is because you might think really how could you not know this was money? I didn’t think you had to maintain the vehicle, do oil changes on it get new tires, pay insurance, fueled it up every week or two. Everything about owning and operating a vehicle is expensive it was expensive, still is expensive, and most likely always be expensive. Yh I was a broke high school kid that wanted to drive. When I got my license it gave me a taste so freedom I cloud finally able to take my place and not have to ask someone, that was the best feeling. By the way, do you know what year the first speeding ticket was issued? A-1900, B- 1850, C-1902 If you C you are correct The first speeding ticket was issued in 1902.

Did you know every day, more than 200 million people’s lives are affected by driving? Most motor vehicle accidents are preventable. Most accidents are caused by drivers who are doing everything but forcing. We don’t typically think that much about driving as the single most dangerous thing that we do every day. For the majority of us, hopping into the automobile to take the kids to high school, drive to work, or run some errands is 2d nature. “An average of 6 million people in the U.S. alone are in car accidents every year. Of those 6 million, approximately half experience an injury, and roughly 2 million people per year will suffer from serious, life-altering injuries. It is estimated that 90 people die in car accidents every single day in the U.S.” by Noah Rue Published 1/4/2019. Although automobiles are basely Essential for humans now for transportation to go to work for the everyday errand. It is dangerous driving on the road you might not even be able to come back home. Hundreds of people worldwide die every day operating a vehicle whether it is their fault or not.

Well, there are always two sides to things good and bad. Driving the good side is that it gives you freedom to go where you want, be traveling, and do what you want, the Bad side is expensive to own, accidents, Multitasking Can Kill, and Pollution. Let’s talk about some good and some bad. Driving lets you go where you want when you want. It gives you the flexible for example if you don’t drive you have to ask someone to take places, but what if that person doesn’t feel like doing it one day or they are sick or having to wait for them, or anything basically? Having said that if you were to drive yourself you can do whatever you want, feel like going to work a little early or get something to eat before going something. Bad side Multitasking Can Kill, when you are driving force driving doing other things will get you killed. Most accidents happen because the driver is not focusing on the road and doing something else like using their phone or eating, places anybody who drives when you are on the road focus on driving and not focusing on something else. Another bad is pollution tho driving makes human life easy it does have side effects pollution. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse changes. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Vehicle pollutants harm our health and contain greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Burning gasoline and diesel fuel create harmful byproducts like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzene, and formaldehyde. In addition, vehicles emit carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas. It was fun and amazing that we have vehicles that make our life easy but we should all know what the side effects are things that use on an everyday base.