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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Eyes On the Road

Name: Georgia Gautreaux
From: St. Amant , Louisiana
Votes: 0

Eyes On the Road

Every day someone gets on the road with the intention of traveling to a different destination, no one ever gets on the road with the intention of harming others. Even then, it is still rare but unfortunately, we lose many lives each year due to irresponsible driving. Driving education is so important, we cannot stress this enough to our people. Each year in Louisana, we have around 828 deaths, just from vehicular accidents. I couldn’t imagine getting that call, from an officer or a loved one explaining that they’ve gotten in a near-death car accident OR even a car accident that has resulted in death. My heart would sink, it’s so hard to even imagine how I’d feel. I truly hope no one ever has to experience this pain, but unfortunately, I know it still happens…Driving education, and going to school, aren’t just some “boring” or “un-useful” class that you have to take. These classes are so important, to teach you to safely drive. Protecting yourself and protecting others while safely traveling to your desired destinations. Focus on your class! It’s so important! Reducing the number of deaths from driving accidents is a major issue that we need to stress!

Each and every one of us can take these cautionary steps into reducing the number of death related to driving…The most IMPORTANT step that everyone should know by now is always wearing your seatbelt. Unfortunately, seat belts can be uncomfortable at times but it’s here to serve a purpose and that is to protect you! NEVER text and drive! We see commercials on this every day, ads, I know many skip them but It’s not just some silly ad trying to waste your time. Looking down from the road for even two seconds can cause someone to crash into one another, hit objects near, hit pedestrians, or even run off the road. ALWAYS be cautious over your surroundings. Understand when it’s your turn to go and when it’s your turn to stay. Taking your driver’s education classes shall and SHOULD prepare you for this! Lastly, speeding. I know almost every driver is guilty of this, and even most law officials are guilty of this BUT we cannot do it any further. Speeding is one of the biggest causes of getting into a collision. When you’re speeding and others aren’t you’re putting not only yourself in danger but others. If someone was to happen to slam on their breaks while you were speeding behind them, the person in front of you can be severely rear-ended, this isn’t what anyone wants. Taking the time to follow these safety tips and rules should and WILL reduce the number of deaths related to driving each year.

I’ve never personally been in a car accident, my number one goal is to always stress save driving and continue home safely. Unfortunately, I’ve been in the car with many adults who think it’s okay to speed or pass someone up on a road that’s not specifically designed for two lanes going in one direction. It’s scary. It truly is and I wish others would listen and understand the risks that you’re putting others in. A very close friend of mine had recently gotten into a seriously bad car accident with her family. Another car had sped into her doing over 100 miles an hour. It was a man who had just committed a crime, he had stolen his mother’s car and he was trying to run free of what he had done. Fortunately had been caught and is now jailed, but because of the collision, my friend and her family still suffer severe injuries that have affected her in her everyday life. Thankfully, she and her family are recovering slowly and have found their justice!

Personally, every day that I’m on the road I follow every step of being a safe driver. No matter what situation I am in I always quickly find ways to avoid a collision even if it seems like I’m about to be a part of one. I understand very well the risks and dangers on the road and hopefully, I can help others be aware too. Normally when I’m in the car with others, it’s a driver’s instinct to check the mirrors and check to see if someone is behind us while driving, even if I’m not the driver. No matter what those drivers’ instincts always seem to kick in! Once in the car, I always make sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt, that will always be the number one rule and as we’re driving I will always be the backseat driver, you never know when you’ll need a second pair of years. It’s better to always be safe than to be sorry. No matter what, I always remind my friends, family, and others to be careful on the road when they’re leaving. A little reminder to be extra careful is so helpful, more than you know. It lets that person know that you care for their safety and would like to see them come back safe and sound.