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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driving a loved one

Name: Evelyn Hernandez
From: Richland Hills, Texas
Votes: 0

Driving a loved one

As I was going through my driver’s education I would always procrastinate and not pay attention. That was until my sister was coming home from work and she ended up being in a crash. I looked out the window mid-assignment and saw her in a police car. Instantly alarmed I went outside and saw how shaken up she was. Turns out the other driver was a teenager without a license and never even looked into taking a driver’s education. At that moment I felt what it is like to almost lose a loved one and I don’t want anybody ever to feel that scared. I saw driver’s education was important because it was other people’s lives on the line. It showed me the important things I learned in driver’s education such as checking your blind spot and waiting to go when you are ready.

There are many ways to reduce the number of deaths due to driving and it all starts with taking driver’s ed seriously. This is one of the first steps when it comes to driving and it makes sure you know what you’re doing and the rules. I think the step parents can take is to send their children when they’re ready. My mother never had time to take me out or teach me anything about driving. When I got to the driver’s ed I was totally lost. I think parents should have some part in the education of their children. They should do lectures about driving while driving so when they get to that point in life they know what they are doing. Also making sure once they go to drivers ed seeing what and if they are learning. We are learning so young about something that will benefit the rest of our lives. As teens, we don’t realize that because we think we learn things that won’t benefit our future.

In Mexico, nobody really pays attention to driving and neither do the police. People find drinking and driving and being in a car without a seat belt normal. When we go visit family we have to drive down mountains with very sharp turns. Depending on the weather a right can turn left really quick. My uncle would drive and drink down those mountains and drink it like a normal snack. He would drink 3-4 bottles and say his body is so used to it that he was sober. Even though I never experienced being in a car accident it is times like these I feel fear because some people find it normal to drive and drink.

Our generation is the future generation. We are the result of what the world is going to be like in the future. I can be a better driver in the world by taking it seriously and making sure my friends and family do as well. At this young age teens tend to be more recklessly driving because we never been in that trauma of being in a accident. Making sure my friends follow the rules of the road while i’m in the car. Even though it is small it can make a big impact on saving someone’s life.

While driving, you will have several decisions to make, and these decisions will have an impact. A safe driving mentality has various advantages, such as reducing stress when driving. sparing you money on higher insurance expenses and ticket prices.You need to be in control of your thoughts and conduct, practice defensive driving methods, and take ownership of all of your driving selections if you want to drive safely. The term “emotion” is used to describe sensations like rage, fear, and delight. Emotions have the power to alter how you perceive danger and make driving judgments if you let them. You may find it more difficult to make good judgments while you are experiencing intense emotions like rage, which increases your risk of committing an error. You can be so consumed with your rage that you underestimate the hazards involved or fail to take note of crucial developments in a certain driving scenario.Be conscious of your emotions at all times. Ask yourself if you truly possess the concentration and awareness required to operate a motor vehicle safely. Wait if you are uncertain. Give yourself some time to relax and focus on driving safely. Find out more about preventing a road range tragedy. Driving safely is something that should be taken seriously definitely when it comes to emotion. Even though you are helping one person stay safe it can make a huge impact on others such as their loved ones that care so much.