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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Education Essay

Name: Chava Thomas
From: Huntersville , NC
Votes: 0

Driver Education Essay

Driver’s Education helps reduce the number of deaths by ensuring safe driving conditions. It teaches students about the importance of the rules of the road. Behind the wheel helps show students how important being behind the wheel and how dangerous driving really is if you aren’t paying 100% attention to the road. Driver’s education is very effective in reducing the number of deaths by car accident, because it also helps teach students the importance of paying attention to your surroundings and not just having tunnel vision and focusing on what’s in front of you. It teaches you skills to know when bad weather comes as well as what to do if someone cuts you off. It helps to ensure that you have a sense of judgment or common sense of what to do if something happens. Driver’s Ed manuals go even more into depth about the rules of the road and knowing what everything means.

Steps that can be taken are to be sure to maintain the speed limit. It makes sure that you are not only following the law, but that you aren’t driving recklessly. Staying off your phone is another one. Being on an electronic device can cause some serious harm to not only you, but to someone else. This is the number one cause of most car accidents, or even death by car accidents. A text message or phone call can wait, for when you are at your destination. Don’t pick up your phone, while driving unless it is an actual emergency. Making sure to adjust your mirrors and radios before leaving the house is another one. Adjusting your radio and mirrors before leaving the house can ensure that you are 100% focused on the road and what is going on around you.

Personally, I have actually seen family members and friends driving recklessly. I was actually in the car with my dad when he was driving recklessly. He was on his phone texting someone, and he was looking down for a while and then looking up for a second, then he would look back down for a few seconds, and then back up again. You get the jist. Luckily, I happened to be paying attention at the time. The person in the car beside us was trying to get over in the lane, but also wasn’t paying attention. At this point my dad was looking down and I yelled out to get his attention and then he realized and blew the horn at the car trying to get over. After he realized that he put his phone down and continued driving. I also have witnessed friends driving recklessly. My friend was taking me home one day from band practice, and there were other people in the car talking to her and being loud which caused her to get distracted. When we were about to turn onto the street a car came and I yelled and she stopped just in time for us to barely get missed by the car.

For me personally, I can be a better and safer driver by making sure that I always follow the law and pay attention to what is going on around me. My phone is my biggest temptation because it goes off a lot when I get a text or notification for something. This causes me to want to look at it, but then I remember that someone else is in the car with me, and that it isn’t worth it. I can make sure that before I leave the house I can adjust the mirrors, radio and turn my phone off, so that I won’t get distracted or tempted to adjust the station or the mirror to see better, or even to read a text or answer a call while I am driving. I can also help others be safe and better drivers by ridding them of any distractions also. I can make sure that whenever I get in the car with them, I can remind them to adjust their mirrors and radios first and then turn their phone off before putting the car in drive. Safe driving is very important to me, because one wrong move can change your life forever. It is very important to get rid of distractions while on the road, because your main focus needs to be on driving and not looking at your phone. Like me, I can make sure that they do these things, so that they can also be safe, responsible, and better drivers.