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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Deadly Fact of Driving

Name: Jacob Katims
From: PLANTATION, Florida
Votes: 0

The Deadly Fact of Driving

In the driver seat. Feeling invincible. Most youth who have recently received their license and even adults who have become too comfortable in the driver’s seat have felt this. Due to this feeling and an overall lack of awareness, car accidents are one of the most prominent causes of death and injury in the world. Driver education is a necessary step in reducing the number of driver deaths, along with various possible solutions and tips.

While every driver envies the day in which they receive their driver’s license, they first must prove the magnitude of their skills through a test administered by the DMV or driving school. This test is a major agent in reducing the death count caused by cars every year, but it could be better. This test prevents students without driving practice from walking into the DMV and obtaining a license not deserved. This test proves that a student has the basics of driving mastered and understands the function of this car. Although this is great in reducing car accidents, from personal experience, driving tests are way to easy! As a 17-year-old with a driver’s test in my not so near past, I can testify that the administrator takes you for a stroll through a neighborhood and asks you to perform basic turns. Whether experienced or not, someone could pass this test. I crossed a single intersection into a neighborhood, did a quick stop, a three-point turn, and returned to a large parking space. This test is simply too easy, being a major reason for young drivers’ inexperience and likeliness of accidents. To solve this issue, the driving test should be performed in a newer vehicle, and should test awareness and ability to drive on intersections/highways. These tests should be performed on high octane roads where the driver must be tested on their quick decisions and ability to maneuver. This will prove that the driver does not only have the basic skills of driving down, but is capable of driving safely in a real environment, and is therefore more suited to drive with a license.

On top of the necessity for harder driving assessments, drivers should slowly gain their full ability to drive. When receiving their license, drivers should not be instantly able to drive without restrictions. They should gradually be able to drive with less and less restrictions as they drive more. For example, a driver might first be only able to drive alone during the day, and then after 6 months have that restriction removed. This would prevent the needless accidents in which a driver is not ready to drive alone, furthermore not being ready to drive in perception altering conditions. Along with restrictions, drivers should take these tips into mind. When driving, PAY ATTENTION. Although there are many distractions such as your phone or a passenger, one second away from the road and you could be in the back side of another car. Along with this, you must be aware of not only your environment, but the people around you. Rather than just focusing on the road ahead, you must check your sides and behind to make sure you have control. If a car behind were to speed up or a vehicle to the side were to merge in a manner that could be deadly, you must be able to maneuver and protect both parties from injury. The last tip is to read yourself before you drive. Most of the time if there is a circumstance making you not a capable driver, it is okay to call a ride share service or someone close to pick you up. It is not worth driving when in risk.

Luckily in my personal experience I have a clean driving record, by my family does not. My sister has been in a few parking lot accidents, showing the necessity of paying attention at all times. My mother has not only hit other cars, but has been hit by a car and car parts. In the recent past, my mother’s car was hit by the hubcap of a damaged vehicle, causing her immense damage. Although she did not have a proper amount of time to react, in some cases, with proper awareness, deadly damage is avoidable.

Overall, driving, as convenient as it is, is immensely dangerous and in need of further youth regulation. Furthermore, awareness, paying attention, and watching others is a necessity in reducing the chances of an accident and death or injury.