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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Driver’s Responsibility

Name: Yasmin Cedeno
From: Spring, TX
Votes: 0

The Driver’s Responsibility

When we have responsibilities, we then have reliability to live up to them. It is important for new drivers to understand that driving is a privilege, not a right, and it can be removed when wrong actions are taken. Knowing our responsibilities when we are in the driver’s seat will allow us to live up to them and most importantly put life first. When we see ourselves ready to do something irresponsible in the driver’s seat, the best thing to do is put our selfishness aside and think of the lives of others. But we all have grown comfortable with distractions while driving that become risks like: texting while driving, music too loud, eating while driving. While some drivers may be experienced at this, newer ones are not and their reactions to surroundings are a bit slower too. It is important for experienced drivers to know that no amount of time is enough experience to do actions that will risk others on the road.The main purpose for drivers education is not entirely to teach a person how to drive, but by learning, hopefully there are more responsible people who are willing to put life first.

As a new driver myself with only a year of experience, I have been in small situations on the road that could have escalated into something worse. Although this is common, I remember when I was cut by another driver, and I was unaware they were trying to get in front of me because they didn’t use their light to switch lanes. Immediately after they cut me they then braked, which then caused me to slam on my brakes. If I reacted a second later the effect would have resulted differently. The small encounters I had remind me of people I have known that are now part of that number who have died from car casualties.

On April 5, 2009 my aunt was celebrating her birthday with her husband and friends. On their way home they went off road and ran their car into a tree. This accident immediately took my aunt’s life and left my uncle in a coma. He then passed away after three days in a coma. The main cause for their accident was drinking and driving. They had both made the decision to drink, knowing they had to drive again. The accident not only took away their lives, but parents from my cousin, age four at the time. My cousin has grown up only knowing about how they passed away rather than their voice and memories due to my aunt and uncle being taken away from him too early. I was the same age as my cousin at that time and remembering how they passed away has become more visual in my mind. Although this is a tragedy, it reminds me that my life is important and affects others much more than expected. Hurting my family through irresponsible driving is the last thing I would want to do.

Another tragedy runs through my mind when I think of irresponsible driving. My mom once told me how her co-workers’ sons were driving on their way home when the older son swerved and hit the intersection while exiting the highway due to speeding. The passenger side received all the impact from the accident. That night the older brother exited the driver’s seat with only a scrape on his head, but without his younger brother. My mom was devastated while telling me this story, so I can not even imagine how her coworker was when she found out her younger son passed away. Knowing that others’ lives were unintentionally taken away by our own faults, is a traumatizing experience. This can be avoided when better decisions are taken to protect others that we are responsible for when in our vehicles.

Although I have successfully passed my drivers test, there is much learning to do. Learning online or in a classroom setting is different when unexpected real situations occur. The only way I will be able to feel safer on the road and become a better driver is by practice. The road has many dangers, our lives shouldn’t feel at risk due to others irresponsibility. It is my responsibility as a driver to give my full attention to the road and my surroundings. Practicing to be alert is key to becoming more experienced. We also shouldn’t get too comfortable with ourselves because then it decreases alertness and increases risks of putting lives in danger.