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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Stop the issue

Name: Elvis Eduardo Chancoy Tistoj
From: San Diego, California
Votes: 0

Stop the issue

When driving it is important to focus on the road and not have distractions while driving. Many accidents happen every day that we could have stoped just by focusing on the road. Many accidents such as drunk driving, eating, putting on make up, changing, falling alseep, using your phone and ect are the main causes of accidents. The number one cause is from being distracted by using your phone. Mostly all people have used their phone at least once while driving, and I can say my self I was one of those people. We dont come to a sense that it could kill another person just from us not looking at the road and just looking at our phone. By using your phone you have 4 times likely to be in a collision which can not only danger your self but the cars around you. There’s a say that “Going 55 miles per hour while texting is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed” which is scary to think about. Teenagers are the ones who get ibnto fatal accidents more then any other because of drinking and using your phone. We don’t think of what could happen to us till it realpoy happens. Therefore before we start to drive wer have to take drivers ed and then take our permit test. Basically what this does is gives us a brief understatement on what top pay attention and what not to do when driving. Drivers ed explains to us the consequencesof what could happen when we don’t focus on the road. Theirs a test to all of this before officially being able to drive. Not everyone can have the privilege to drive especially us teenagers at an early age of 16. We have to be responsible and acknowledge whats right and wrong when driving.

When driving dont have distractions put away everything that is distracting you from driving. Lots of fatal accidents happen because of distractions, which we can change. By putting our phone on silent, putting it away, or even on do not disturb are 3 ways that will reduce the risk of any type of collison. The most important thing to not do is drive when your waisted, because of this many people have died as well. Have a desginated driver or take an uber, this could save your life and somebody elses as well. Drunk driving is not okay and having morals and being repsponsible to not drive is grateful.

I have a few incidents where I myself have crashed because of being distracted. The reason to my distraction was because of friends, I was driving at 4 in the morning with people in the car. It was dark and their wasn’t no high way lights which made it harder to see with the high beams on. We we talking and singing and I take my eyes off the road for a few seconds and out of know where I see a crashed car and I go into it but was able to drift and get out the lane but wan’t able to escape fully,. My car got hit, the rear window and window broke and it scratched my car. We all went silent and I guess you could say taramuatized. The 2 girls in the back were crying and my 3 other friends were trying to clam them down, we exited the freeway and pakred to see rhe damage. The day was crazy, my car had minor scarted but the window glass was all over our bodies. To that day I don’t let anything distract me now, I learnd the hard way, and god was able to give me and my friends a second chance to mnoralize our selfs and not be childish on the road.

Since all of this happened I told my self I would not let anybody or anything distract me when I drive. Not just me but everyone who is a licensed driver can prevent a collison bu subtracting the distractions such as phones, alcohol, eating, getting tired, and ect. Another way the other diver can help is by not tailgaiting. California drivers are known for tailgating, but this is another major issue that cause collisions. If you give the other diver the distance necessary you will be able to react on time incase some thing happens that could cause a collison. Not only distacred drivers but tailgaters are another reason why they them selfs be in a collison because of the other distracted driver. Be cautious on the road, know your role and be responsible when you drive.