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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Don’t Sleep on Driving Safely

Name: Aimee Macedo
From: New Bedford, Massachusetts
Votes: 0

Don’t Sleep on Driving Safely

I’ve always been anticipating the moment I am involved in a car accident. I know it’s a bit of a gruesome thought, but how can I not expect it? Throughout their lifetimes, even the most skilled drivers are likely to experience at least one kind of collision. I’m not superstitious, yet I feel like I can’t escape my fate. My mother, father, and sister have all been in serious car wrecks, so I’m the only one left. My sister was in the passenger seat of my aunt’s car and was hit by a school bus that ran through a stop sign. She luckily faced no injuries, but the car definitely suffered. However, the story of my parent’s accident constantly terrorizes my mind. It was 1990, and they were driving home at night from their first date. At this time, the Massachusetts law for seatbelts wasn’t in effect, so my parents didn’t have any on. My mother, in the passenger seat, laid her head on my father’s shoulder and fell asleep. Unfortunately, while my father was driving, he also dozed off at the wheel. My parents can’t perfectly recall what happened, but one thing led to another and their vehicle ended up flipping over three times! Due to the lack of seatbelts, my mother was ejected through the windshield, and my father was thrown out of his door. My father faced minor injuries and had a concussion, but my mother suffered tremendously. The skin on her hands and scalp was ripped off, she had a painful hematoma on her back, and she broke her hip. After surgery and her two-week stay at the hospital, she had to go to physical therapy for several months! Also, not to mention the PTSD she endured and the extreme fear she faced whenever she had to be in a vehicle. Even to this day, she is scared to be a passenger and drive into cities with a lot of cars. Considering these events, I was always aware of the importance of safe driving. Although I can’t just focus on my driving skills, I have to consider how others on the road are driving.

I understand that my father was driving irresponsibly in his accident. If he and my mother were tired, they should have pulled off of the road. Their accident could’ve ended a lot worse. They are extremely lucky that they survived. But how can we prevent accidents like these and decrease the number of deaths caused by them? First, drivers need to be educated. I know that teens feel like it’s a pain to go through driving school, but it is desperately needed. I also believe that it shouldn’t just be those under eighteen that are required to take classroom courses. Anyone can get into a car accident, not just young drivers. Gaining knowledge of the road and being tested on it makes you aware of the things you need to pay attention to while driving. To abide by the laws of the road, the drivers need to learn them first! In these driver’s education courses, you see what is right and wrong, and the penalties you can face for your actions. You become mindful of the consequences of things like operating a vehicle under the influence, ignoring road signs, and driving recklessly. The laws are put into place for a reason. Again, using my parents as an example, there was no law forcing them to wear their seatbelts, so they had to learn the hard way. Getting educated about the rules of the road lessens the chance of drivers taking risks that could eventually end in fatality.

In addition, I think legal ramifications are truly what can help reduce deaths from driving. When it comes to car crashes, people tend to think it’s something that happens to other people. They assume it can’t happen to them. Even my mother believed that. Yet when there is the possibility of a prison sentence or a fine, people don’t want to be caught breaking the law. Therefore, they are less likely to do something they know they shouldn’t. Using my area as an example, they have put up speed radar signs that tell you your speed and if you need to slow down. There are also stricter rules if you are seen with a phone in your hand, so it must be placed out of sight.

Lastly, when you have taken the steps to become educated and see which laws are in place, all that you can do is make sure you are being a safe and defensive driver. Make sure you enforce seatbelts for everyone inside of the vehicle, there is a designated driver if there are people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are aware of your surroundings, and don’t fall too below or above the speed limit. Whether it’s your phone or your friends, limit your distractions. Learn from practice and your experiences. When you take these precautions for yourself, you are also making the road safer for others. Even if someone else is not paying attention, you can drive accordingly and keep the both of you safe. Nobody is a perfect driver, and mistakes are bound to happen, but adhering to the rules of the road can make the road a less dangerous place for us all. Then, perhaps being in a bad car accident won’t be in my fate after all.