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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Toni Bell
From: Washington DC, DC
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education

Driver Education is a course that needs to be taken seriously worldwide. Deaths resulting from driving are extremely high and it’s sickening because drivers ed is a course that is almost mandatory everywhere. No matter the way the course is taught or the steps taken, it is a very important thing that needs to be taught. Many people “have been driving since they were 12” or say some other excuse that seemingly makes them a quote on quote good driver, but in reality it’s more than that. Driving is a task that takes practice and patience. You don’t just become a skilled or safe driver overnight. Drivers ed is important to young people to learn the basics about driving to hopefully give them a long, successful, harm free life on the roads.

While in a drivers ed course it’s important to be attentive and listen to your instructor. One small tip could save someone’s life on the road. To prevent deaths related to driving it is important that everyone in the car is buckled up, no one is driving under the influence, not using your phone, and following the speed limits. Those are just minimum steps a person can take to try to ensure no one is harmed and everyone gets to their destinations safely. A lot of times people are scared to speak up if they feel at risk in a vehicle. This is really common in teenagers and I have been in situations where my friends have made me feel uneasy while riding in a car with them, but didn’t speak up just because they’re my friend. Sometimes, it’s better to put your pride aside and say what needs to be said because you would rather that than end up dead. I understand how harsh that may sound, but I’m one of those people who stays quiet in situations where I shouldn’t.

I have been in two car accidents before. Fortunately, not one person was seriously injured in either of them. The first car accident was when I was about 9 years old riding with my mom. At the time, I was too young to drive, but this is something that I remember from almost 10 years ago because it practically scarred me. We had come to a four way stop sign intersection and my mom had stopped, made sure no cars were coming, so that gave her the green light to go. As we proceeded through the intersection, another car came flying through on the side without stopping and crashed into our car. It was definitely scary to witness at a young age but thankfully no one was injured. The second accident was more recent and I was actually the driver at fault. I had made the wrong exit and decided to back up to try to go the other way and bumped a car. Now, I had checked my rearview mirror, but my side view mirrors were not placed properly. So in my rear view mirror there wasn’t a car behind me, but if my other mirrors had been correct, I could’ve seen the car behind me. Now I know backing up in general was the wrong choice to make as well, but learning how to rotate side view mirrors is something I should have paid more attention to in drivers ed and this could have been avoided. Driving with my older brother I see a lot of bad habits when it comes to his driving skills. Speeding, using the phone, and swerving are all things my brother tends to do while driving even with others in the car. I try my best to do my part by putting my seat belt on and reprimanding him on the things he does.

I can ensure that I follow the law when it comes to driving and stay attentive while driving to make sure I become a better and safer driver as well. There are some bad habits that I can admit I have to shake because I never really understood how reckless driving can lead to so many deaths each year. Most people don’t realize how serious something is unless it affects them personally. I pray everyday that I get to and from my destinations safely while driving or riding with anyone else. No one wants to lose someone in a car accident which is why drivers ed should be implemented and taken ten times more seriously than it is. At the end of the day, Drivers Education can save a life and I am glad it is taught worldwide.