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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The importance of drivers education

Name: Maria F Rojas Olivares
From: Winston Salem, North Carolina
Votes: 0

The importance of drivers education

The importance of driver education is to understand that we’re all set to not cause any incidents that could affect oneself or others around them. There are many chapters to follow about certain rules and expectations when driving. For example there are many chapters that are important because they are laws like alcohol usage, you’re such a driving privilege, you’re driving over all, your understanding of signal signs and pavement markings, and finally when you’re needing to share a road with a vehicle. those chapters explains certain rules of what you can do what you need to look out for and just certain things you need to have or need to prepare if this certain incident happens, but overall not many people follow be certain rules for eater overestimating their own abilities to drive or they’re just new drivers and they don’t know the actual dangers towards driving. If either teens or adults actually learned their education of driving then it could to reduce the numbers of deaths massively, but that’s only if certain drivers understand the actual basis of safety when driving because even though they have their permit and drive at their will they was still avoid the rule of safety and have certain distractions or certain drinks that are not allowed in the vehicle but also certain medication that happened taken that could make it difficult for a driver to concentrate on the road.

There are many steps that could be taken to reduce numbered theft for example whenever you start driving, make sure your phones are on silent so as not causing any distractions when you start driving. The next step would be to make sure your vehicle is safe to use like checking your tires, checking your engines and making sure your mirrors are checked when beginning driving. those are the most basic steps to reduce your driving incidence there are other things you could get rid of causing less distractions which is not putting your music on, which I know that many people do and they don’t get distracted that very much but there are certain people who do get distracted end the end up not concentrating as fast as they should whatever certain incidents have met through driving. There are also other steps that can help reduce the number of deaths but over all those are the most steps.

I was lucky enough to never have that experience but I did have been told by a family member that there were bystanders to a crash that happened. All I know is that it happened too quickly and the impact was large. There were survivors but the person that drove recklessly fled the scene before the police came in right. The victim was fine there and was sent to the hospital afterwards. Over all the way they described they were extremely shocked with the possibility of being near a car crash but overall they were still safe because they weren’t too close to the actual scene.

There are many steps that could help you to be a good driver for yourself and mostly people around you whatever you’re driving. What you could do is avoid any distractions at all costs that include cell phones whether it’s calling or messaging and keep your eyes on the road at all types without looking away. There are other tips to drive well such as always obey the speed limit and understand the warning size that are subtypes on the freeway or just simple roads. The baby is not as important at least the signs but it helps to understand what’s up ahead or what you should look out for whatever it takes her to rows or freeways. There are many possible steps that could help to drive safely but they’re also examples that could help guide you to never do or avoid doing. As such avoiding any distractions that could cause them to keep them off the road also avoiding certain items that could also cause a distraction for example of phones which most drivers tend to use to check up on email or calls during their drives which increases their chance I’m driving. There’s also certain medications that could affect a person’s driving if they have the effect of drowsiness, which if so they should avoid the roads just in case they dozed off during their Drive even if it’s a long one. The last one would be to avoid alcohol if drivers want to have focus when they start driving