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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driving safety

Name: Kelsey Van Horn
From: Dillsburg, PA
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving safety

Driving is a very important and serious right of passage to a young adult. With this new right comes a lot of responsibilities. When learning how to drive it is important to know the workings of your car, how to react to certain situations, and all the rules of the road. Knowing these can help someone be a safe and educated driver. It is also incredibly important to know when you are ready to drive. Most people get behind the wheel as soon as they are eligible and test as soon as possible but may lack the confidence or skills to be driving alone safely. As someone who used to experience serious anxiety about driving I knew it was better for me to take my time and practice until I was completely comfortable and then went to take my test. I even enrolled in a local behind the wheel program to get experience in a safe environment. This program really helped me in overcoming my fears and practicing safe driving to give me confidence to get my license. Along with this, making sure that everyone has equal opportunities to education about driving can reduce accidents and deaths caused. When I was in high school and we had our drivers ed course, it was online lessons of the laws and rules of the road, they had taken away the option to practice in a car and brought it back a year for the next incoming class. This made it even more difficult for me and my classmates to gain experience.

I personally have been fortunate enough to not be involved in a car crash but I know many people who have. I have seen first hand the damage and devastation a car crash can cause. I know people who have bad fears and associations with cars from their past experiences. I have also seen people in my life drive irresponsibly as well. Growing up I had to beg and plead for my father to wear a seatbelt because he for some reason did not see the need to ever wear one. I have seen people text and drive, watched my fair share of past classmates get in accidents, arrested, or even pass away due to their irresponsible choices on the road.

In order to become a safer and better driver I can follow the laws and rules of my state (or any state I visit). By being precautious I can protect myself and others on the road. I can always be sure to be alert of my surroundings and stay focused while I drive. Avoiding distractions and treating my car properly will keep me and others safe. I can also make sure my car is prepared for any possible accident such as making sure my fuel tank is filled, my tires are the correct pressure, I have tools within my car to help me such as a spare tire, jumper cables, and ice scrapers. Making sure my car is in good working condition and having my documents can help me be a prepared driver as well. If I am riding in the passenger seat with someone else I can be sure to not distract them while they drive and be an extra eye for any upcoming obstacles or danger. I can also politely point out any dangerous behavior they exhibit and give suggestions or reasons as to why they should not do that. It is common for people my age to be on their phone while driving, be under an influence, or make risky decisions thinking that nothing bad will happen to them, that they are the exception. This leads to many accidents or tickets.

It may also be beneficial to practice driving in all sorts of conditions to understand how to be cautious. This can be important for people who live in all areas to be prepared for any type of natural disaster or certain seasons of weather they encounter. Along with this it may be helpful to learn the importance of driving in busy highway settings as well as country back roads. I think this can be important especially for those starting in country back roads who want to or have to visit a city so they understand how to navigate. It is also important to know yourself and know when you may not be in the right condition to drive. Being able to refrain from driving while under an influence or even just when in a bad mood or lacking sleep. This level of self awareness and control can help keep everyone safe on the roads.