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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Be a Better Driver; Reduce Accidents

Name: Hailey Ott
From: Hillsboro, Missouri
Votes: 0

Be a Better Driver; Reduce Accidents

Safe driving is one of the most important things to teach teens as they begin to drive. Accidents are not impossible, but they’re less likely to happen when a driver has these skills. While there are already measures in place to reduce accidents and fatalities due to accidents, there’s always more one can do to keep themselves and others safe on the roads. For example, distracted driving is the number one reason for car accidents (Steinger). Whether that is being on your phone, looking for something in the car, or something else that would bring attention away, looking away from the road for any period of time can be dangerous. You must take it upon yourself to drive safely and defensively. This is why it’s important to learn what you can do to prevent accidents.

There are plenty of measures in place to prevent accidents. Seat belts help reduce the number of deaths due to car accidents. According to studies, “-using lap and shoulder seat belts reduces the risk of: front seat passenger car occupant deaths by 45%, front seat passenger car occupant moderate to critical injuries by 50%, front seat light truck occupant deaths by 60%, and front seat light truck occupant moderate to critical injuries by 65%,” (NSC Injury Facts). Stop lights and stop signs both help decrease the number of accidents. Both give cars the right of way and asserts which driver should move first. Turn signals and brake lights allow other drivers to see where you are going. Police stops for speeding and police stops for drunk driving allow authorities to stop dangerous drivers from getting into accidents. Lights on the road at night, headlights, and pavement markings allow drivers to see where they should be on the road. Driving education programs allow drivers to learn how to drive and what to do and what not to do when driving. Kids car seats also keep child passengers safely buckled in. Follow the rules of the road and the measures already taken to keep you and your passengers safe.

What can you do to keep yourself and others safe? Well, the first is obvious, keep your eyes on the road. It sounds basic, but distracted driving is the most likely cause of car accidents (Steinger). Second, make sure that whenever someone is in your car, they are wearing a seat belt. Seat belts significantly decrease the likelihood of death in car accidents (NSC Injury Facts). Third, do not go above the set speed limit. With speeding as the third leading cause of car accidents in the U.S., it’s better to risk running late than it is to risk your entire life,” (Smithee). Fourth, don’t run traffic lights or stop signs. Sometimes they may seem trivial, but they’re there for a reason. Fifth, watch out for permit drivers. Those permit driver signs are there for a reason. Permit drivers are more likely to make mistakes, go under the speed limit, and brake hard (Steinger). Sixth, slow down when it is snowing or raining. “Snow, rain, and ice may cause the vehicle to become out of control” (The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine). When this happens it is imperative that you try to get out of the way of other drivers and other possible dangers. Do not attempt to brake or speed up, this will make the vehicle slip and slide more. Do not attempt to pull to the side of the road if there is no guard rail, there is a chance that the vehicle will slide off the road. Lastly, and most importantly, be aware of your surroundings and continually check your mirrors. You may be doing everything correctly, but you can still crash. There may be others around you not paying attention and they may crash into you, or a crash could happen ahead of you. It is important to do all of these things, they will reduce your risk of an accident and the likelihood of a fatality.

Safe driving is one of the most important tools a driver has. A driver should make sure to follow the rules of the road and to be aware of their surroundings as they drive. Distracted driving is the number one cause of accidents (Steinger). There are a large amount of measures put into place to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities due to accidents. However, there are still more things that you can do to keep you and your passengers safe. Make sure to follow the rules of the road to protect yourself and others. Learn safe and defensive driving. Accidents and accident related deaths are not impossible, but having these skills and measures help reduce both of these incidents.