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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Liability is in Your Hands

Name: Gabrielle Gaul
From: Harlan, Iowa
Votes: 0

The Liability is in Your Hands

I sit waiting in my 2005 Toyota Corolla my parents had found cheap from a family friend. A perfect first car for the oldest child who had just gotten their school permit at fourteen – reliable, but not nice enough to fret about little nicks and bumps that inevitably happen in the school parking lot. I could not wait to drive alone for the first time. However, a wave of anxiety hits me as one of my sisters gets in the car with me. Not only was I responsible for my safety while operating this car, but for hers as well which is a different type of liability.

Four years later, this same liability still holds true. As a protective older sister, when my three younger sisters climb into my car, I know that I must ensure their safety along with my own. I cannot imagine the implications that would arise if I were to be the cause of injury or worse to one of my passengers. This knowledge and understanding of the responsibility that operating a vehicle holds are one of the most important parts of learning to drive. This mentality should be accomplished before even entering the driver’s seat. Along with this, knowing the rules of the road is essential. Who has the right of way? What do the road signs mean? How do you navigate through traffic? A misunderstanding or lack of knowledge with any of these questions could be the difference between life and death.

You cannot do anything safely without prior knowledge of how to do it. Knowing the ins and out of driving is the first step that you can take personally to cultivate safety. Next, is practicing safe driving habits while in the driver’s seat. Eliminate distractions like technology, food or drinks, and navigation. Do not take the wheel if you are tired or under the influence of any type of substance. Follow the speed limit and any other directions that are posted due to road work or other circumstances. Only drive when weather permits, and do not drive if conditions are dangerous. All passengers need to properly buckle up – no matter the length of the drive. Unfortunately, personally following these steps does not one hundred percent guarantee safety because there are countless other drivers that you share the road with. Poor decisions on someone else’s part could result in injury on your part. Therefore, it is essential that you stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Sometimes it takes quick thinking and decision-making to compensate for the recklessness of other drivers to keep all parties safe.

As a driver, I have experienced instances where I needed to initiate safety procedures to ensure the well-being of myself and my passengers. Luckily for me, I have not personally experienced a car accident to any degree. With that being said, there is a very real chance that it could happen to me at any given moment while in a vehicle. Some people fall into an idea that makes them believe, “It won’t happen to me,” which is so far from the truth. People who endanger themselves and their passengers because of this mentality are irresponsible. It is not a lesson that you want to learn first-hand because the consequences could be irreversible by that point. Do not become a statistic due to arrogance.

While I know and follow the rules of the road, there are always ways for me to improve my driving. As someone with an easily distracted personality, it is essential for me to remove as many distractions as possible to ensure that I am as safe as possible. Because I am distracted easily, oftentimes I find myself in a rush as I have lost track of time. Being in a hurry can lead to more irresponsible driving to avoid being late. I know that I need to do a better job in allowing myself an ample amount of time to safely arrive at my destination. Improving the safety of my own personal driving also sets a positive example for those who ride with me, especially my younger sisters. Influencing my little sisters to implement their own safe driving habits gives me peace of mind when they join the road.

It is crucial that personally and as a society we understand the responsibility, risks, and consequences that driving can have. The health and well-being of yourself and others are in your hands every time you enter a vehicle. Be sure that you are educated and that you know and follow all proper driving procedures and guidelines before operating a vehicle. Continually look for ways to improve the safety of your own driving because there are lives at stake.